∽Chapter 53∽

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*Michael's Point Of View*

Lies spreading like wild fire. Word's cutting my heart like a knife. Is it a lie or is it the truth, are the questions swirling in my head. I don't even know if I'm angrier with the fact that, there's a huge probability I have twin girls or the fact that she went to the press with. I don't even understand what she could possibly want from me.

She almost ended my marriage, broke my heart, and supposedly killed my unborn baby girl. Now she goes public about having my twins. I swear if this is a test from God, I think I'm going to fail.

"Mike, I'm doing the best I can, but I can only do so much.", Bill exasperates, entering my office. I face palm myself, and glance out my window where camera's awaited my appearance. Ever since yesterday evening, I've been trying to avoid any questioning or unwanted photos. I've also been working none stop on diminishing this problem.

Sadly I have come to the conclusion, that the only way to solve this problem, is to face it head on. "I have to talk to her.", I interrupt Bill as he continues explaining the different options that accessible. He stops pacing then glances at me, oddly. "You want to call her? Why? That wouldn't be smart Michael.", He warns, overcoming his bewilderment. I roll my eyes out of agitation.

"Bill, I could have twin girls! Both are three year's old! I missed three year's of their lives! I can't live with that.", Bill plops into one of the wooden chairs in front of my desk. "I understand that Mike, but what if they aren't your twins? Then you'll be caught up in her Webb. You don't know what she wants.", He convinces, cracking his knuckles.

I exhale deeply. I know he's right. She could be playing me. This could be part of a twisted scheme to get money out of me. Or worse, get me back.

*Marilyn's Point Of View*

"Twins?! As in double?! Wow. How could she have his twins if she had an abortion?", Yuli asks, setting Carson in his highchair. I shrug. "Maybe she lied. I don't think she showed Michael the abortion papers.", I answer softly.

This whole situation has been very exhausting. Every time we turn around, something else pops up. I needed some time to think on it. I know I should be helping Michael figure thing's out, but how can I help him if I'm fully together. Plus, Michael insisted that I inform Yuli and Ryan about our occurring problem before anyone else does.

"Do the kid's know?", She asks, handing Carson his toddler, protein meal. "I'm sure they have heard. Word spreads fast in California. I just hope this doesn't become a huge problem. I mean, we've been through enough this past year. I don't know if we can handle this.",-"How does Michael feel about it?", I sip at the camomile tea filled mug as Yuli rests beside me, reclining in the wooden dining chair.

"He's confused, angry, hurt, he just want to know if the twins are his.",-"And what if the twins are his?", I take a long sip of my tea before answering. "We'd have to move to a home built for seven people. Honestly, I would be hurt knowing the twins are from him cheating on me with her, but I wouldn't feel right knowing he didn't fight for his kid's.", She nods, shaking her head.

"Fame has really taken it's toll huh? I hope all goes well. I really do. Even though I am a little full handed with Carson and...", She trails off, sipping at her tea. I furrow my eyebrows in curiosity. "And what Yuli?", Giggling to herself, she removes the mug from her lips.

"Well, Let's just say Carson will be having him a playmate other than Jordyn...", She beams, blushing hard. I gasp, throwing my arm's around her. "Oh Wow! Baby number two! I'm happy for you guys!", She's squeezes me back, still giggling. " Yeah, a little romance from Ryan does me good, too good.", She winks. I shake my head.

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