Running in the rain

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Hi. This one is really short, but I felt I needed a short one. I tried to get out Jane's feelings. I hope You like it. Ps. Picture of James is right over there >>>


*Jane POV*

I could not sleep anymore, I needed to get my anger out. I tried screaming in my pillow like they do in the movies but it did not work. Then I saw my running shoes. There was no way my mom, or dad would let me go out alone this late. I know pathetic, it is just 10. So I had to sneak out. I swaped my pink sweater for a hoody and grabbed my ipod and keys. I tip toed past Rayne's room, she had the door slightly open. Afraid of the dark, just like I had been at her age. I wanted to kiss her goodnight but I was afraid I would wake her up. I moved silently down the stairs and skipped the once that were known to creak. I was just about to get busted I knew when I saw Rosie leaping out infront of the door, but funnily enough she did not bark.

"I'm sorry, Rosie. You can't come." She looked at me with her big round eyes and squeked, before she went back in her basket.

I unlocked the door, got  out and locked it again. I was finally free. Um, not exactly I still had the massive gate left to get past. I put the hoodie over my head to protect me from the light summer rain. Just my type of weather. I clicked the button, and they slowly creaked open. And closed it. I was just about to start running when I hit someone.



Oh no. This was bad. Why was he still here? It has been five hours, he must be like freezing, starving and - God knows what.

"Where are you going?"

"Where does it look like I'm going?"

Am I being too hard on him? I watched him look at  me and his eyes stopped at my running shoes. And his eyes met mine again. Oh god, please. His beautiful green eyes, made me just wanna jump back in his arms.

"Look I am so, so sorry for what happened. I don't know what got over me. My hormones just kicked in and- you have no idea how you make me feel."

I do, know. I wanted to scream at him. I do feel it too. But I did not- I  can control myself. I felt the tears coming back out again and I turned my back on him, ready to begin running. He grabbed my shoulder.

"Can I join you?"

"If you can keep up."

I felt sorry for him. Running on an empty stomach. I started running an turned my ipod on. I have never gone running before, but I kept it going. I ran as hard as I have ever ran before. Channeling my emotions, and my rage into power. Normally my legs would have felt like stones, and my breathing heavy by now. But I did not slow down. I think having James by my side pushed me even further. I held my breathing steady, and my steps just as high. I had the perfect round in mind. After about an hour of intense running, my clothes where completely wet again, and so where his. We stopped panting outside my gate. James was bending over and breathing into his knees. I felt evil when I enjoyed watching him like this.

"Damn, I didn't know you could run like this."

I did not say anything but I thought to myself: there is a lot about me you don't know. As I opened the gates, and sneaked back inside and into my comfy bed.


So there is a James POV coming up soon, I promise. If anyone was missing that one.  And I have to warn you things get heated in the next chapter. And Jane's family mystery will be declared, why is she really so rich? And why did she know James didn't know who she were?

-Obliviate713 (Oda) 

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