Truth or Dare?

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*James POV*

I waited for Jane at the park at six o'clock just as she told me to. It was still warm outside, and the sun was shining. She came just as she had told me, but in a black Aston Martin car. She really was not joking about her family. I got in the passenger seat. She was wearing a cute floral summer dress. It barely covered her thighs. I could not help myself but look.

"Stop it." She said.

"What I'm not doing anything." I smirked. "Besides you should look were your driving."

I kept looking at her. She had her right hand on her thigh, I caressed her hand gently. She shivered and took it away. It was so funny the way she always did that.

"Stop it, I swear the God I'm gonna crash this car if you don't keep you hands off."

"Sure." I said calmly.

I placed my on her bare thigh instead, part of the fun was seeing her reaction. She had such a nice skin. I let my hand caress her thigh.

"Stop it."


"Because you are distracting me! And you should not do that. You promised."

"You should not wear short dresses then." I grinned.

She gave me a death stare and I knew I was crossing an invisible line. I took my hand off.

"I'll behave." I muttered.

Jane was turning left, then a second left and pulled to a stop in front of a gate almost identical to the one outside Jane's house. She pressed the speaker button, just as I had when I talked to Jane's father. That reminded me, I wonder what Jane told her parents about me.

"Sarah, it is me."

"HII. I'll let you in. WAIT. You brought someone? Is it him?!"

"Yeah, it is James."

The gates slowly creaked open, and we pulled in the drive way. She told her bestfriend about me? Cool. I wonder what she said, maybe I should ask Sarah. We entered the hallway, this house was just as glamorus as Jane's house, the floor was just as glossy and I could see my own reflection. We went upstairs a elegant marble staircase and into what I think was Sarah's room. She had a beautiful four poster bed with flamming red velvet curtains, I wondered if Jane's was green. Probably. We sat down in a circle on the floor, there was another boy too here. I assumed that would be Nick.

"Um, Jane can you come here and help me a bit." I heard Sarah call out.

Jane came running out and I was left alone with Nick. He looked cool, I mean if Jane liked him he must be okay. I hope he was not one of the spoiled brats, braging about their money and superior parents.

"I'm Nick, nice to meet you." He reached out his hand.

"James." I said.

"I'm Sarah's boyfriend. Are you and Jane together?"

"I don't know, she has not said yes yet."

"Have you kissed?"


"And she didn't get mad?"

"Well she did the first time, I don't know why. But no today."

"It was like that with Sarah too, she started crying. I mean she clearly liked me. I don't know what is on their mind."

There was a silence. A bit awkward so I boke it.

"So is there anything I should no about Jane?"

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