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Third person POV

"Ehhh! What am I supposed to do with this rubbery thing!?!" The bluenette jabbed the knife into the table only for it to bend. "Can't I use my buddy!?!" He pulled out his silver blade. It glistened in the light as Nagisa twirled it around.

"Look I know it doesn't look like much but it's very effective towards this thing." Marina-San said intertwining her own fingers together. "So do you want the papers or will you just figure it out on your first day of school?" The small boy thought about it before standing up with excitement.

      "I wanna see the papers! This creature makes me bubble with joy!"  The women in front of him chuckled while moving a piece of her blond hair away from her eyes. "Very well then..." The women reached behind her grabbing a classified document. She slid the paper towards The bluenette who quickly grabbed it.

     "It's! It's!!..." His eyes narrowed dramatically as he clicked his tongue. "A freaking octopus!?! The government couldn't kill an octopus on steroids!?!" Marina-San's face turned dark as she leaned towards the boy. "Oh Nagisa-Kun this isn't no ordinary octopus."
"Yeah so it must be on steroids like I said....I can kill it no sweat!" The bluenette's eyes narrowed as a sinister smile appeared across his lips.

      "This just proves that there's nothing I can't kill." Bloodlust seeped our within every word making the blonde woman tremble a bit. "Very well then...off you go. Your uniform is in the-"
"Yeah yeah I know." A disappointed face appeared on the boys face as he went to the clothing room. He walked down the halls of the secret building, passing by fellow assassins. Of course they all were afraid to even touch him besides one person. "Wait! Nagisa-Kun where are you off to?"

    The young assassin turned behind him letting a soft and gentle smile appear on his face. "Hey Sakura-Chan! I'm actually going to the clothing room." The young girl stood beside the boy as they had a decent conversation. "Any job offers lately?" The pink haired girl look towards the ceiling before answering.

   "I actually have to go to kunugigaoka middle school to kill some octopus thing..." He stopped in his tracks while the young girl looked at him. "Hey what's up? Knife got your tongue?"

   The bluenette's eyes gleamed as he tackled the pink haired girl. "This means we actually got the same assignment!" Sakura opened her mouth allowing a chain of squeals to come out.  "This is great!! We could plan an attack together!" The two gave each other a high five while laughing maniacally.

     "Who knew killing could be so fun?" Sakura said making a gun out of her hands. "Oh! I already knew that." They let out a slight chuckle as they walked into separate clothing rooms.

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