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Nagisa's POV

I sighed and placed my face in my knees. 'This is the first time I blew it...' Marina-San hates when our cover is blown and usually sends us out to kill that person. The thing is though...

I don't want to kill him...

Even if he spreads the secret around I don't want anyone to kill him... Something about him makes me wanna protect him with my life... I brush those thoughts off and listen to what's ahead of me.

Then more thoughts come back like

   What if he's afraid of me? I mean he seems like the type to get in trouble but if you figured out you have a actual assassin in your class how would you react.

   I sighed and laid down on my bed only to hear a ring. I pick up my phone and see it was from Karma. A sudden smile spreads on my face as I answer.

      From Karma: Hey can you do me a favor in return?

From Nagisa: Sure anything I guess.

From Karma: Can you teach me some assassination skills? 

From Nagisa: Sure just be prepared for some rigorous training

(A:N my ela teacher would be so proud)

I placed the phone on the table and threw a knife at the wall making the third hole in the wall since I moved here. I covered my face and groaned.

     What the hell is happening to me?

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