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Karma's POV

"Now slightly move your arm like....this." Nagisa slightly moved my arm to the position it was supposed to be at. "Now throw the knife." I nodded and threw the rubbery knife at the wall. The red color stained the wall while the knife bounced off it. "Wow your good at this." I crossed my arms and looked at him. "I mean it kinda runs in my blood." He laughed softly and picked up the knife.

      "If you think about it we can do 1v1 soon." I smirked just as his phone started ringing. "Sorry I have to take this. Important assassin stuff." I chuckled as he picked up. The mood suddenly changed, his hands started twitching slightly. It felt like anger and happiness was flowing through him mixed with bloodlust of course. He hung up and sighed.

      "L-look I really need you to  leave or stay hidden while people come over here." Confused, I took the first option and packed my things. "I'm really sorry but some bastard is on the loose that we held prisoner for....reasons." I slowly nodded and he walked me to the front door.

    "Wow I feel like a jerk right now..." I placed a hand on his shoulder and smiled. "I don't wanna interfere with your assassin stuff. Plus I just came for lessons and not ease dropping on you." I never knew I'd see pink brush on his face but you learn something new everyday.

     I took my hand away and waved. He waved back with a heartwarming smile before shutting the door gently. I sighed and walked home with a smile on my face.

Nagisa's POV

    This can not be happening now.Sakura zipped through the window, landing with a soft thud. She was panting heavily as she threw an electronic device at the floor. There he was the devil himself (A:N Nagisa pleeeese you haven't seen Karma yet.) Tataoka. I hated him since the day I was told not to kill him.

              This guy really pisses me off. The screen flickered on showing       Marina-San with her hands intertwined. "Listen we have a problem. Tataoka escaped today at 15:30 (3:30)pm." My hand twitched with anger and bloodlust which is a very good combination for me.  "Sakura-Chan you'll take the high ground with a sniper while Nagisa will go in with close range weapons. I doubt that Tataoka will notice you since he wants to settle the score with Nagisa." Woah what? "He wants me dead is what I'm hearing." A sudden smirk appeared on my face as she said yes.

     "That means I have the free will to kill him. Right?" Sakura looked at me with cold sweat seeping down her pale face. "Yes that's what I'm getting at." The smirk slowly turned into a smile as I rushed to change. I could hear Marina tell Sakura to kill him if anything gets out of hand.

    I laughed to myself knowing that won't happen...

  I'm gonna be the person to kill him...

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