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Wang Junkai pov.

Me and qianxi are here at barbecue shop we're waiting for the others because we're gonna celebrate... Me and Qianxi first solo album... That's why we're here... Oww! There here!

"Junkai! Qianxi! I miss youuu~!"
Zhihong shouted whole running was about to hug qianxi but qianxi raised his hands exact to zhihong face and then BINGO!

"WHY DID YOU DO THAT?! My nose!"zhihong said while holding his nose.

"Junkai Men!"junlin said and i pat his back whole he pat mine too.

"So everyone is here! We should celebrate this night!"i shouted and they roar and we started to order some drinks and foods.. While we're eating they are shouting and i was just laughing to them.. Their already drunk.. Luckily there's only a few costumer.... Oopss.. The nature is calling me.

"Where are you going?"junlin ask me.. I guess me and junlin is not drunk.

"Nature calling"i said and he nod continue watching zhihong and qianxi... I go to the restroom.. To release... When i heard some familiar voice.

"I'm here at barbecue resto.. I just used bathroom... No need to worry patrick... I'm done now so don't worry"that voice! It's the same voice as wang yuan.... Come on pee! Faster! I heard the door open and close.. Sht! When i finish.. I hurriedly get out of C.R and look around but i didn't see anyone sht! I guess I'm just imagining again.../sigh/... I just go back to our table.


"Watch your way men"he said and i look at him...

"Dude.. I was watching my way.. You should be the one wacthing your way"I said and he laugh.. I can see qianxi and the others are coming to my place.

"Okay.. As you said dude"he said and he was about to walk away when i stop him.. That insulting my pride!

"What?Are you not gonna say sorry?"i said and he laugh... He really really annoying!

"Why would i? Your wrong too right? Then that's mean... You should say sorry too"he said and i was about to punch him but the others stop me.

"Let me g--"i was shouting when i heard that voice again... I froze and the others too.

"Patrick? What's wrong? What happening?"that voice... I look at the person who ask that and made my life happy again...

"Wang Yuan?"i called him and he look at me.. His hazel brown eyes it's so beautiful..

"Yuan? I thought you're already dead?"junlin ask yuan shockingly and yuan look at him curiously and i look at the boy o so called patrick.. His expression turn into cold one.... I feel bad something about this.

"Wait?What dead?Who said that?and who are you?how did you know my name?"he ask junlin... Is he playing with us? Qianxi fake laugh.

"Yuan.... If your playing that you don't know us.. Please cut it out.. We have been lonely because someone said your dead! And now your showing up! Like you don't know us! Yuan! Cut it out!"qianxi shouted... We are stoping him because he was really furious now... I look at yuan but seems he really doesn't know us... What happen to you yuan?!

"Please yuan! You don't remember us? I'm zhihong!"Zhihong shouted but yuan just looking to us... He was curious.... I look around luckily there's no one beside the employees who looking at us.

"Z-zhihong? H-huh?"yuan curiously said i was about to said something but i was stop by that guy.

"Enough.. Let's go yuan.. Your parents will be worried"that patrick said and pulled yuan with him out of the shop.... No your not!! I run to follow them.

"Wait.. Where are you going?"they shouted at me but i didn't answer back and walk out to the bbq shop... I feel presence that someone following me... I know it's qianxi and junlin... I saw yuan and and that patrick guy! Geez i hate his name -__- really....

"Stop!"i raised my voice and the two of them stop... But that patrick push yuan inside the car gently and when we we're in front of him.. He look at as seriously this piece sht!

"What do you want?"he coldly ask

"We want to clear something here!"
junlin said and patrick guy laugh

"What do you want to clear?"he ask

"We want to clear something with yuan not you! You psycho!"qianxi calmly said and this guy suddenly become cold.

"What if i don't? Stay away from yuan! And if you want to know if his really forget all of you? Then it's true! So stay away from yuan!"
he said and get inside the car.. While me and the others are left dumbfounded.

"Is that yuan really forget us?" qianxi lowly said and the other just nod.. And i clench my fist... If yuan forget us then.. I am the one who's gonna bring yuan back.

Author pov.

After what happen yuan didn't ask patrick about junkai because when he saw patrick expression he was scared that patrick may do something that can hurt him but he have to know who they are.... They arrived at patrick mansion lots of maid bow at them yuan go to his room and think about what happen.. What really happen to him?

//*Knock Knock*//

"Yuan.. I'm gonna come in"patrick said and get inside yuan room.. He saw yuan seating in the bed.. He walk closer to him.

"Are you thinking about what happen today?"patrick ask yuan and yuan was hesitating.

"Yes..."yuan whispered said and bow his head patrick touch his shoulder.

"Don't think about it or your head might get hurt again.. Okay? And don't ever Talk to them"patrick warn yuan and yuan look at him.

"Why?"yuan ask and patrick look at him deeply.

"Just do what i said!"patrick said and get out of yuan room... He go to his room and called someone.

"Hello young master.. How may i help you?"

"I want you to watch yuan"

"Yes! Master!"

And patrick end the call and pour some wine and drink it while looking outside..

"You'll never get your hands on yuan"he said and crash wine glass but he didn't feel hurt and blood started to flow but he doesn't care.


Who's patrick in this story? 😕😕

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