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Lance's POV
I was at the park with my friends and wonderful husband. Honestly I never thought I could be this happy with someone like Keith. I mean he was my rival for the longest time and it was hard even to look at that stupid mullet. But now it's beautiful and my favorite thing to mess with.
"You okay Lance?" Keith looked worried. "You haven't touched your food." Pidge yawned and looked at me. Hunk was in a deep conversation with Allura about... I don't know and Shiro was watching Matt. Poor Shiro. Matt went to go give Allura a kiss on the cheek.
"Lance?" I looked at Keith. "Sorry I'm just thinking." "Must be painful" Pidge poked me. I rolled my eyes. "About?" I kissed Keith's nose and pulled him towards the hill top. Everyone followed and we laid down and began to star gaze. "Look guys there's the Big Dipper!" Pidge face lit up as she started naming the constellations. We all sat there staring up at the sky. Just when we thought things couldn't get any better. A meteor shower started. "Look shooting stars!"
Sure enough there were plenty of shining stars shooting by. "Make a wish" Matt said pointing to an orange rock race by. "I wish we could get a kid" I mumbled. "Lance" Keith said in soft tone. We've been trying since we got married but some one always comes in and takes them away or they just say no. I looked at the stars and thought they're all the same. But there was one that caught my eye. It was a blueish reddish maybe even purple color. It was huge and it was moving in a zigzag. We all watched it crash into the nearby trees. A huge light shot up then disappeared.
"What the hell" I heard Keith say. He was trying to get his breath back. "Wh...wh....what wwwwwass that" Hunk stuttered. "Let's go check it out" Pidge shouted as she dragged me down the hill.
"STOP DON'T..." I didn't hear Shiro finish because Pidge I were already in the bushes next to the...SPACESHIP! "IS THAT A FUCKING...." Pidge put her hand over my mouth and shushed me. The ship was basically a crystal about the size of Hunk. Then I saw three figures crawl out. One was obviously a child. Maybe nine. The other looked a little older. Maybe 17. The third was older. Definitely an adult.
"I'm sorry mother I didn't mean to upset you." A little girl's voice quivered. "Don't leave us here!" An angry boy's voice snarled. "You force me take care of this brat and couldn't even leave us on a suitable planet!" The adult snarled at the kids. "Remember you two are mistakes." "I never wanted you or loved you!" "You guys should be grateful that I didn't kill on the spot."
"Mommy, what do you mean" the little girl asked. "Why would I Thank a murder like you for anything!" I heard the boy grunt. "Watch your mouth you... agh!" The clouds moved and we could see the three figures. The boy was on the ground bleeding and the little girl was being choked by the adult. "Brat" the adult hissed. Something inside me screamed for me to move. I moved and pushed the woman down. She dropped the girl and turned to me.
Her eyes were yellow and something sinister lay in them. "Mommy, don't leave!" She stared at the girl. "I'll do anything please don't go" She cried out. She approached the woman but the boy held her back. "Anything" the woman cackled. "Go die!" She disappeared. I looked at the girl but the boy had her ears covered. "Lance" Pidge called from the bushes. She ran out at me and the boy stepped in front of the girl. He hissed at Pidge daring her to come closer.
"LANCE WHERE ARE YOU!" Keith comes bursting through the trees and ignores the hissing boy and tackles me in hug. "Are okay?" I nodded not taking my eyes off of the boy. Keith punched me in my arm. Hard. "Don't scare the hell out of me like that." "Ahhhhhh!"
We looked over and saw the girl screaming at Allura. The boy tried to stand but... crap he's falling.
Keith caught him before hit the ground. "You okay babe?" Allura nodded and grabbed Matt's hand. "Lance you have two seconds to tell me what hell you did!" Why does he automatically think I did something?! Pidge ended up explaining everything while Shiro (because he's a dad) tended to the boy's wounds. Hunk went to go get food for the kids. I watched Allura and Matt try to approach the little girl. Honestly she looked like a Neko except she had two tails and her tail and ears were black. The boy looked like a human child except he had eagle wings. She saw Allura then froze. Allura reaches out her hand and girl ran and hid behind me.
"Stay away from me and Tano!" Allura blinked. "Tano?" She tugged on my shirt. "Please sir please help me find my mommy!"
Does she not know... oh the poor kid. "Please I have to find my mom and make her proud of me again!" "If that's there situation then we should take care of them for the time being" Shiro said after he wrapped Tano's injury.
"I agree but who'll take care of them?" Hunk looked at the two kids and shudders. "Don't get me wrong they're cute but in my tiny apartment they'd be cramped and I'm hardly home cause of work." I looked at Keith. "No Lance we can't. "Please Keith" i begged. "You're not home till at least six thirty!" "I can't do it cause I'm underage" Pidge added. "No Lance we..." "Sir can you help me find my mom?" Blue eyes met violet ones. I saw his resolve draining.
"If we do this you have to explain everything about her "mom" otherwise they're going with Shiro" Keith said folding his arms.
"We're not going anywhere" Tano hissed. "Tano you're okay" the girl squealed and hugged him tight. "We don't know you let alone trust you." We were all speechless. I mean he did have a point. Pidge pushed up her glasses and she smiled at him. It was the kinda smile that you give someone when your plotting their death.
"You two don't know how this planet works therefore your gonna at least need guidance, not mention guardians." "If anyone we're to catch looking that they'd try sell you or experiment on you." "We're probably your best chance to survive unless your an earth expert." Tano looked at Pidge with a glare. Pidge stared right back. "But if you want to try your luck...." Pidge began walking towards the bush.
"Tano" the girl said softly. He looked away. She moved in front of him again. "We need help Tano." He grunted. "How else are we gonna find mommy?" "Kuroi" he said in warning tone. "Mommy was acting funny but I'm sure..." "Kuroi Tsuki get it through your thick head that..." he stopped talking. The air turned cold. "What were you going to say Souruītā ?" Her voice was menacing. It sent a dangerous chill down my spine.
"Fine" he mumbled. "What" Pidge grinned. "At least give us a say on where we go" Souruītā huffed. Kuroi smiled wide and her ears relaxed. "I'd knew you'd see it my way" Pidge's glasses lost their sinister glare. "Demon" he whispered as Kuroi lifted him up. "Tano" Kuroi whispered back. "We'll go with the man with the blue eyes or no where." "What about your ship" Hunk said handing them hotdogs. "And your... extra appendages" Allura added. Kuroi looked at Keith curiously "what are appendages and why are you friends with a grim?"
My first thought was what's a grim and does that have something to do with her reaction to Allura was my second. Tano looked at Kuroi and pointed to his wings. You could hear each bone crack and crunch as they went back into his back. His talons seemed to fade into human feet. Kuroi's tails slithered under her skirt, her eyes went to a normal human size but her ears still sat on her head they were just smaller.
Tano sighed and patted her head.
"Actually I'm gonna go with the man who patched me up" he said looking at Kuroi. "You'll be fine on your own won't you?" Kuroi shook her head and grabbed him. "Tano you said...." "I don't want to go with them Kuroi." "Why not!" "The one with blue eyes looks like Phoenix and he acts like him too." Tano shook his head. "Then I'll.." "You can't what if Ike comes back and finds me?" Tano wipes her tears. "She'll kill me and make you her slave" he said softly. "Mommy would never..." Kuroi's voice broke. "I know" was all he said before he limped over to Shiro .
Keith knelt down and smiled softly at her. "Can I hug you?" She doesn't answer she just runs into his arms and hugs him. He picks her up and carry her to the car. "Mister" she says looking at me. "Thank you for everything" she smiled. I wiped her tear and nodded.
The car ride was pretty quiet. Kuroi was sleeping and Keith wasn't humming while he was driving like he usually does.
Meaning... "What's eating you Keith?" He rolled his eyes. "Fox and the hound, really?" I shrugged. "I'm worried about you that's all." Keith sighed. "I just...well" he looked at Kuroi sleeping soundly. "I don't want you getting hurt if she..." He didn't finish. He didn't need to I already knew. "I'll be fine I can handle it." Keith didn't look sure. "Lance you just started coping with Annie..."
"I know but we can't just leave her on her own and the boy would kill us." Keith cracks a small smile. We arrived in driveway and sat there. Keith brought his forehead to mine and rested it there for a bit. "Look at that face Keith" I watch his gaze shift. Kuroi was wearing Shiro's hoodie that covered her down to her toes. She was softly snoring and her ears were pulled back. She was too cute. He nods. "Okay Lance" he said as he kissed my cheek.

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