Keith's POV
"Where the hell are you going?!" Lance stopped in his tracks. "Babe uh.. I was just.." Lance looked away nervously. "Were you seriously gonna just.." he cut me off. "I was just going to practice!" "Is it mandatory?" I watched him squirm under my gaze. Not necessarily but if I want to play I.." I cut him off. "Kuroi is starting school tomorrow and you promised her we'd go to the school." Guilt spread across his features. "Keith I have to go but I'll make it up to her I promise." "Lance are you sure you can..." "Keith" he whispered. "I know your worried about me but I'm fine" he kissed me lightly and left out the door. I sighed and went upstairs to get dressed and noticed Kuroi in the corner. Her ears and tail were out and she was talking in... Korean?" "Neo gwaenchanh ni?" She blinked. "I'm fine" she said quietly. "Who are you talking to?" She pointed behind me and I saw a mountain lion. I mean it looked like one. He had 3 bright green eyes and 3 long tails. "His name is Puma" she said smiling. "He prefers Korean but he speaks English." I froze. Should I hit him? Do I protect her? Why is there an oversized cat in my hallway!? Cosmo walked in and growled at it. "You wanna go pooch" he hissed menacingly. "Puma" she said in a warning tone. Cosmo barked and bared his teeth. "Cosmo enough" she glared at him too. "Socialize politely somewhere else." They walked down the hall glaring at each other. "Umm.. are you going to the school in your pjs?" I looked down at my red pajama pants and Panic! at the disco t-shirt. I mentally kick myself before leaving her to go put on some jeans. When I came back she was sitting on the couch staring out the window. I approached her and she seemed flip her whole attitude. Her smile was fake. "I didn't notice you there." I sat down next to her. "What's wrong with you?" She sat there for a second. "Nothing I'm fine." "That's bullshit" I said raising my voice a little. "I saw you earlier something is bothering you!" She flinched before tucking her knees into her chest. "I'm fine" she put her between her knees. "I have to be." I don't understand her at all. It's like there's a wall between us and she's hiding behind it. "Why do you have to be?" She looked at me. "It's ok to not to be okay." She shook her head. "I don't want to make the burden worse and Tano is... the only reason.... Uhhhh" she slammed her head on her knees. I chuckled softly and moved my fingers through her hair like Lance does with me when I'm frustrated. "Tano's here because of me" she said. "I got him caught." Her cries were barely audible. We stayed like that for a while. Out of no where she stood up and wiped her tears. "Come on we're gonna be late" she reached for my hand. I took it. We walked all the way to the car when I noticed Puma who was about the size of a Gatorade bottle was sitting on the hood of my car. "Can Puma come?" She looked at me with puppy eyes. I looked away and kept moving towards the driver's seat. She sat down with the cat in her lap as we pulled off.

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