Lance's POV

Soccer practice went by agonizingly slow. All the while Kuroi and Keith were going to the open house. That we planned to go to together for weeks now. That I promised to go to. And they went. Without me. I'm a shitty human being. In the end nothing changed. The same old practice with the same old meetings and Allura. If didn't know her any better I'd think she was trying to hit on me back there. A heavy sigh left my lips as we did dribbling drills down the grass field. "What's wrong Lance?" I looked up and saw Coran and Allura looking at me with concerned faces. "Kuroi and Keith are heading to the school to sign papers and get a tour today so Kuroi can start school tomorrow." They looked at each other slightly confused. "So why are you upset?" "Because I'm not fucking there and I made a fucking promise." I kicked the ball and it flew right into the poor goalie's stomach. "Sorry Tom" I shouted before packing up. Coran approached me and put his hand on my shoulder. "Lance If you need time for family just tell me and I'll support you. You're a great player and I want you to stay that way." I hoisted my bag on my shoulder and gave him a smile before leaving. I texted Keith hoping that they were still there and I could be apart of it. I was driving toward the school when I noticed a bird circling high above my car. After three miles of it being there I pulled over and walked into the bushes into the nearby the clearing. Souruītā landed in front of me with his wings outstretched. They were beautiful with the browns, golds and whites. My eyes landed on his crying face. "Lance.... I.... she" his voice continued to shake. Tears threatened to fall. He collapsed into my arms and squeezed. I awkwardly rubbed circles in his back unsure of everything. He's only hugged me once and that was because he was tackling me. He never really talked to me and now here he is crying in my arms. "Simon" I called softly. He let go and wiped his tears. "Sorry." He sat down and motioned for me to sit next to him. "Pidge fell out a window today because she was angry with me." I shot up with worry but Simon pulled me down again. "She's fine. I saved her before she could fall but I was terrified. She could've died. I tried play it off as much as I could but I couldn't stop crying. Then she kissed me and I kissed her back. Then, like the ass I am, I flew off." I flinched at the last part. "I like... no I think I love Pidge but I can't." "Why can't you?" He looked away. "You deserve to be happy." Simon looked at me with those sad blue eyes and I knew. "You're scared that she might get hurt by that alien thing, aren't you." I saw him wince. "Is it Riptide too?" Simon put his head in his hands. "She's so much like him. I don't want to come by and find her dead body." I sighed. "You should tell her." He didn't say anything but I saw him tense up. "She probably feels like shit right now" I stood up and offered my hand. "Pidge is a total gremlin but she's understanding." "Also she's not fragile. Not saying this alien whatever isn't dangerous but she might even be able to help you find it. Just be up front." Simon took my outstretched hand and rose to my level. We somehow made a wordless agreement to walk to the car together. When we arrived he got in the passenger seat and we drove with the Queen playing on the radio. "She has a nice voice" Simon said after awhile. I gasped. "This is THE QUEEN BEE and you say she has a nice voice?!" He shrugged. "You're just like Keith." I turned it up and started singing Halo at the top of my lungs. A small smile played on his lips and I could hear his quiet voice singing along. When we arrived Kuroi was getting ready to meet her homeroom teacher. "Lance you came!" She squealed and crushed me in a hug. She sniffed the air and began dashing out the room. After five minutes she brought in a grumpy Souruītā. "You thought I was gonna leave you out there stupid?" He turned away. If you didn't know them you'd think he hated Kuroi. As we talked about the boring stuff Kuroi showed Souruītā around her classroom. It was adorable. "Look Tano I learned how to use a pencil" squealed excitedly scribbling something on paper. Simon started showing her how to draw something. His smirk could be mistaken for a scowl but Kuroi didn't seem to notice. "Lance?" I turned to Keith and saw his worry face. "What?" "You have to sign here, sir" the woman stuttered before handing me the pen. I signed and Keith escorted me outside. He kissed my cheek softly and then hugged me. I was confused why. "Babe you know I love your kisses and hugs but you aren't the type for public affection." The tears I was holding back suddenly came in waves. "Lance it's okay" Keith whispered. I shook my head. "I'm fine Keith really." I didn't even believe me. "Lance you have to be open with me especially when you're hurting like this." I wanted to but.... "I'm okay". Keith looked hurt. I want to tell but how do express the guilt and pain to see Kuroi smile, to joke with Souruītā and be a father over all. "Lance?" "Keith?" I looked over saw Kuroi's concerned face. "We're all set so we can leave now" Souruītā said scooping up Kuroi and throwing her over his shoulder. "I'm riding with Keith on the way back" he mumbled. Kuroi whined and reaches for me. It was adorable. "Fine I wanna ride with Lance!" I chuckled when she squirmed out of his clutches and ran to me. "I'll see you at home" Keith left a kiss on my cheek before leaving with Simon following behind. Kuroi grabbed my hand and lead me down the halls on a mini tour before leaving. "Your school is huge; are you gonna be okay on the first day?" "Yeah already got my teacher's scents I just gotta remember the order and times." "Kuroi you can't use your.... abilities in school" I said after opening the door. She climbed in and looked at me curiously. "Why?" I choked on my spit. How am I supposed to say this? Then it hit me; the perfect answer. "Ask Keith." She rolls her eyes. We drove in a comfortable silence for awhile when she asked me a question. "Did I make you cry today?" I tensed up. "Did I remind you of Anna" she looked at me expectantly. What answer am I even supposed to give? "The truth would be nice". Damn she figured me out. "It's complicated but it's nothing you should worry about.." I didn't finish because her ears shot up and her tails started moving about. "Don't give me that!" I pulled into our driveway just as Keith got out of the car. She opened the door and stomped outside of mine. She opened it and stared at me intensely. "I know your hurting Lance" she said softly. "We all do but how the heck is anyone gonna help you if you don't tell us the truth! Anna isn't gonna just disappear from your memory and I wouldn't expect her too! I just want you to honest with me when you feel sad. I don't want to make you cry anymore." She ran inside and slammed the door. Simon got out the car and looked at me. "How you gonna respond to this?" Simon shrugged. "It's best that you two work this out." Simon spread his wings and was about to take off. "Tell Kuroi I'll be back will ya?" He didn't give me a chance to respond. He took off leaving a few feathers in his wake.

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⏰ Última atualização: May 09, 2019 ⏰

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