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Kuroi's POV
I woke up on something really soft and warm. There was soft light filtering through a window. I sat up and looked around. The walls were decorated with stars and a lot of space themed things. I ran my hand across the soft sheets. Wow. I got out of bed and saw that I was still wearing Shiro's hoodie. It went down to my ankles. I looked in a reflective surface. My hair was to my shoulders and my eyes matched most human eyes except they were still Purple. I turned around and saw two figures on my bed. My ears shot up and my tails shot out. I dropped down to my hands and knees. I hissed. "What are you doing" one said. "Don't be rude she's not from here Red" the other hissed. I sniffed the air. I couldn't sense any hostility coming from them. They checked out. I relaxed and study them closer. The one known as red had red fur and sharp red eyes. The other had blue fur and soft blue eyes. "She sure is funny looking" Red meowed. "I'm not funny looking this how most Nekos look!" "You can understand us?" The blue one approach me. I nodded. "She's really weird" Red mumbled. I made my ears twitch. "I can hear you.... What are you two?" Red snorted. The blue one hit her with her paw. "We're cats" she meowed. Cats? They look like Pacu but where's their third eye? Where's their second tail. "Are you linked to the blue eyed man and his mate" I asked them. "The blue eyed man's name is Lance and he's my kit" Blue said snottily. "His mate's name is Keith and he's my kit." I nodded and apologized. Red snorted. I stood up and scratched them behind ears like a so with Pacu. They purred in unison and it made me laugh. Then I heard a soft whimper. "Don't open the..." Blue never finished. I opened the door and a huge animal with piercing yellow eyes dashed in barking . "Cosmo you idiot you'll scare her" Red hissed. My instincts kicked in and I ran away. I ran down hall with beast on my heels. I screamed. I was gonna die. All of a sudden the ground gave way and tumbled down the hill like structure until I hit the bottom. My knee stung and the world was spinning but I pushed through. I shot up and ran knocking things over. My lungs felt hoarse from screaming but I didn't care. All of a sudden the ground left and something grabbed. The scent was familiar. "Are you ok" the voice asked. I looked behind me and saw the beast whimpering and covering his muzzle with his paws. Someone was scolding him. "Kuroi can you hear me" the voice asked filled with worry. I started blinking and his face came into focus. It was Lance. I shook my head yes and got of his grasp. I walked over to the beast and shivered. "Keith is he friendly?" Keith smiled. "Cosmo was just excited he thinks your cool" Blue added. I put my hand out and let him sniff it. He started licking my hand. I scratched under his chin and his tail began to wag. A warm glow filled my being. "You were really scared huh" Lance sighed. I followed his gaze to the knocked over pictures and broken vase. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to please don't punish me!" Fear gripped my heart. "Don't get the big stick or the jug please!" "Calm down Kurt" Lance said quickly. "Your not in trouble." "What exactly..." Keith didn't finish his sentence. I didn't let him. "I'll help you clean up" I said grinning brightly. I picked up a photo of a girl with red curly hair and green eyes. She had freckles dusting her cheeks and a cute smile. Beside her is Lance. His eyes were closed and his lips formed into a huge grin. He looked happy. "Who's this" I asked. Lance's smile grew tighter. His eyes dimmed a bit. "She was our daughter" he said slowly. He looked in pain. "What's wrong" I grabbed his hand. He looked at the picture and began to cry. Keith rushed over and was comforting him. "What did I do wrong?" Blue crawled into his lap and just sat there. Cosmo rested his head on top of mine. "It wasn't you he just misses Annie." She was our daughter. "What happened to her?" Red laid down next to me with her head resting on her paws. "She died and Lance never really recovered or learned to cope." My eyes widened. I hopped up and ran over to Lance. I brought his head to my chest and squeezed. "I am so sorry" my voice broke. "I didn't know" I said softly. The funny thing I guess was that he hugged back. I don't know why I was so attached to him. I barely knew him but I couldn't just sit there and do nothing. I had a soft spot for this guy. We stayed like that for awhile until Keith said we should get ready for the day. So I put on a hoodie my size and these long blue things called jeans. I left my hair alone and hid my ears and tails. I went down the strange cliff and walked towards the cooking area. Cosmo came over and rubbed his muzzle into my side. Lance was sitting and grinning at me. Keith was flipping a brown thing into the air. "You hungry" he said smiling. I sniffed the air it smelled sweet. I like sweets. I nodded and climbed on the stool. It took me awhile to master the art of climbing it. "It's not funny Lance" I said pouting. He just ruffled my hair and laughed. I looked at Keith and he looked at me. I saw something in his eyes that didn't match his smile. Does he hate me? He placed the brown things in front of me. "What's that?" I pointed to a brown bottle filled with a sticky liquid. "Syrup" Keith deadpanned. Lance jabbed him in the ribs and poured some on the fluffy stacks. I took a bite and I immediately fell in love. "Hey strangers" a female voice called. Pidge walked in with Tano behind her. He was wearing a uniform underneath a sweater and his glasses. I hopped up and ran over to him. "Are you trying to kill me" Tano grumbled as I dragged him to the table. I cut him a piece of the brown circle and he gagged. "Try it" I said staring him in the eyes. He opened his mouth and I shoved in there. He grinned. It was small and looked like a grimace to most people. "Here, you can have the rest." I gave him another hug and walked over to Pidge. "Thanks for taking care of Tano Pidge" I said smiling. Pidge giggled and Tano choked on his food. "Leave the boy alone will ya" Red hissed. Blue nudged her towards their bed. "She hasn't had her nap" she meowed before she left. I nodded and went towards Cosmo. Tano jumped and snatched me up in the air before Cosmo could even lick my hand. Tano's eyes turned to slits and he began to growl. Cosmo growled right back. "Come down Feathers he's just a dog he won't hurt her" Pidge said before Tano could transform and accidentally kill him. He set me down and Cosmo death glared him before nudging me out the room.

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