Chapter 2

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Kyle slowly gained consciousness as he looked at his surroundings. He was inside a metal box and alone.

He got up slowly, walking around the perimeter to see if there was any possible opening. Seeing as there were none he sat down hopelessly. Just as he did, one of the walls flung open. His fur bristled as Kyle was yet again blinded by a sudden bright light.

Before there was a possible chance of that opening to close, Kyle bolted out, knocking into something soft in the process of doing so and tumbled to the ground with it. Opening his eyes he was met by a friendly face an inch away from his.

"Hello stranger!" the blue eyed cat in front of him said while on his belly. Kyle stood up looking at the cat who was much shorted than he expected. The cat was white and had a few black and brown splotches near the base of his tail.

Surely this is not a kitten, Kyle thought while the other cat stood. Seeming to notice Kyle's inquisitive look, the cat explained. "Don't mind my size, my breed is a munchkin, I'm supposed to be this short".

"Ah I'm sorry I didn't mean to offend you in any way," Kyle quickly stated feeling guilty. The cat smiled, "oh it's alright, no harm done, the name's Tip".

"Kyle, nice to meet you Tip".

"So your a Broken too?" Tip asked.

"A what?" Kyle questioned.

"A Broken, all the cats here are called Broken. We are the ones that failed that spinning test thingy," Tip explain while his paw gestured to all the other cats in the room.

"Oh," Kyle looked around the room. There was definitely a lot of cats in here. Kyle's head turns to the sound of another voice. A black and white female cat was padding up to them with a bright smile showing.

"Hey Tip, you didn't introduce me to your friend here," the she-cat looked at Tip with a teasing pouty face. Tip purred a reply.

"Hi Jessy, it wasn't intentional, I barely just met this cat myself. His name is Kyle," then turning to Kyle, " Kyle meet Jessy, she is a fellow Broken and I can say probably the smartest cat here." Getting up close to his ear Tip then whispered, "don't get on her bad side trust me." Tip finished while giving Kyle a wink and thumbs up.

Jessy smirked, "Well thanks very much for the flattery Tip but I can only take so much credit. Hey how about we introduce Kyle here to our pal Mud."

Tips eyes beamed, "what a stupendous idea, where can we find him?"

"Come on," Jessy motioned with her tail for the two males to follow, "he's no doubt over where some of the females hangout and showing off to them." Jessy smirked with an eye roll while Tip snickered beside Kyle as they walked towards one of the corners of the room.

"This Mud sure sounds like a swell guy, " Kyle humored himself, his comment earning howling laughter to come from Tip.

"You can. . . sure say that," Tip squeaked out in between breaths while laughing.

As the trio came up to the corner they were greeted by a bunch of she-cats. A particular brown and gray female got a little to close to Kyle for his comfort.

"Hi, your new here aren't you," the little female said in a flirtatious tone.

"Hi handsome," another white and gray speckled she-cat said from a little farther away.

Kyle was really starting to feel uncomfortable. He tried veering away from them, bumping into Tip in the process.

"Oops, sorry buddy," he apologized.

"No sweat pal," Tip responded looking up at him. See Kyle's discomforted expression he seemed to understand what was going on as more females came over while Kyle desperately attempted to scoot away.

Tip hissed and swatted at the females, "all right that's enough. Carry on with what you were doing and shoo!" Kyle sent Tip a grateful look as the females scampered away shooting annoyed glares at Tip. Tip ignored the glares and nodded to Kyle, smiling.

"Sorry about them Kyle," Jessy said as they walked, "some of the cats here are desperately trying to look for romance while they still can." What Jessy just said sent unsettling chills down Kyle's spine.

"What do you mean, while they still can," Kyle questioned worriedly. He was only interrupted as they approached a half circle of she-cats.

"There he is," Jessy pointed with a paw towards a reddish-brown tom cat that was pulling off stunts in front of a semi-circle of other female cats.

"Showing off as always," Jessy continued with an annoyed eye roll. Kyle saw Tip face-paw at the corner of his eye.

"Hey Mud, how about you pause from flexing for the ladies and get your fluff-butt over here!" Tip yelled over to the tom.

The tom turned his head to them with a smirk before turning back to the she-cats.

"Until next time ladies," Mud blew them all a kiss before backflipping over to the trio. All the she-cats giggled in response.

"Hey what's up guys?" Mud questioned while strolling over to the three.

Jessy gestured to Kyle with a fore-paw, "Well we just wanted to introduce you to the new arrival, or do you want to get back to your posing?"

Mud faked hurt, "oh no not at all, it's always fun getting to see the new faces that come here," he said while holding his right paw out to Kyle in greetings. "Hey bro, the name's Mud, how's the place treating you?"

Kyle held out his right paw, "well it was a bit of a rough start, but it has been getting better meeting you guys and all, I'm Kyle, nice to meet you."

Mud lowered his paw back to the ground giving Kyle a smile, "Well Kyle, welcome to the place of the Broken, how about we give you a tour?"

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