Chapter 10

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The message was transferred and processed in Kyle's tech ridden mind, sparks fizzled in his nerves. His eyes narrowed and locked onto his target in front of him and he let loose a metallized battle cry.

Sprinting forward, Kyle fully extend his metal claws and leaped at the cat. The cat tensed before jumping out of the way, using his back legs to kick Kyle in the side.

Kyle rolled, yet quickly regained his footing and turned back to face his opponent. He was met with long wires wrapping around his left paw before being flung into the wall next to the cat.

With the wind knocked out of Kyle, the cat stood over him with it's front paws raised. The paws were thrust down aiming to shatter Kyle's ribcage but Kyle kicked the cat's hind legs out from under it. As it fell forward towards Kyle, Kyle clamped his metal claws around the neck of the cat.

The cat yelped in pain as the claws pierced into the sides of it's neck and scarlet red trickled over silver. An angery snarl became present in Kyle's throat.

The cat's wire tail stabbed into Kyle's side but Kyle threw the cat before the cut could get too deep. Only a thin stream of blood came from the wound.

Kyle regained his footing and viewed his rival through his mechanicalized eye, seeking out a kill point. The target locked  on the cats throat, a swift bite through the windpipe will claim a victory for Kyle.

Kyle was about to attack again, before a new command was sent through and the battle ended. But instead the focus of him and the other cat was directed to the other side of the arena.

Two other cats which appear to have previously been fighting were there, seeking to be conversing. Their wounds were only simple scratches though and the metal coverings were on the floor.

Kyle growled and sped towards the cats, while the other cat beside him was commanded to stay put. Kyle pounced on the black and white she-cat that was nearest to reach. The she-cat back hit the cold, metal ground with a thud.

Her eyes looked up at Kyle in fear before a determined look replaced the fear. She smeared her own blood on Kyle's snarling face and he froze.

While Kyle's face was a show of pure shock, his metal parts came crashing to the floor with a rattle and his eyes faded to their normal yellow color.

Kyle looked down at the she-cat and recognized her to be Jessy. He gasped and whispered, "how did you do that?"

"I apparently ate the antidote after it was accidentally dropped in the food capsules when they were being refilled. It. Tasted. Aweful."

Kyle chuckled, "why eat it then?"

Jessy pouted, "I was really dang hungry at the time!"

A yowl split the air behind Kyle and he jumped off of Jessy, speedily turning around in a fight ready position. The cat he now realized to be a mechanical Tip was sprinting at him.

The metal cover Tip leaped up at Kyle but was met in the chest by Kyle's front paws. Kyle wrestled metal Tip to the ground and smeared his blood covered cheek over Tip's exposed shoulder. The body below him froze, and the metal was released from Tip's body.

Tip's now back to blue eyes peered up at Kyle, "Kyle?"

Kyle smiled, "hey buddy."

Kyle's head shot up as red light flashed in the room and a siren wailed loudly.

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