Chapter 9

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Cold. Dark. Empty.

Kyle's own thoughts were the only thing he could hear. He felt as if he was floating in an empty black void with nothing nearby.

His toes felt as if they were burning yet freezing at the same time. Moving them felt impossible, but, so did moving the rest of his body.

The familiar pain in his veins came back but with a much greater intensity. Unexpected emotions began to fill his mind. Anger. Frustration. And an urge to kill on command. Kyle extends his claws out, stretching his limbs as if to be looking for something to sink his claws into.

Kyle's eyes shoot open to see he was in a metal room. His sclera were black while his pupils glowed red, scanning the cold surface of the walls. Kyle couldn't feel his emotions and felt different physically as well.

A metal, robotic plate covered the right side of his face and surrounded his right eye. Large metal claws also protruded from his paws and a metal spiked plate connected to the base of his tail.

His thoughts went silent and his mind became empty. Only one thought remained clear.

Obey the command system.

A metallic growl came from his throat directed towards the walks restricting him until one of the walls quickly lift up. Kyle slowly padded into the awaiting room on the other side of the wall which looked to be a big arena, but his mind paid no attention to that fact though.

Three other doors opened up from the walls of the arena, one directly across from his.

A small cat stepped out from the dark room and into the arena's light with a low growl. Recognition flickered briefly in the back of Kyle's mind of the friendly face of Tip, but it meant nothing to him now.

The small cat had metal ears, what would be the inner ear fluff was sharp blades. The paws were completely made of metal and the tail only consisted of intertwined wires.

Back in the control center behind the one-way glass of the arena walls, a button was pressed. And the command was delivered.

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