Chapter 4

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The lights flashes back on in the dull room, giving Kyle a rude awakening. He opened his eyes slowly to get used to the bright light. When his vision cleared he noticed that his friends were no longer around him. He turned his head to see behind him and saw his friends padding over to the food capsules by the wall.

There are four food capsules and each looked like two giant pills. One was vertical and up on the wall filled completely with food and the other was horizontal on the ground with four larges holes for a cat to stick its head in. The top was probably meant to keep the bottom part full.

His stomach darted making angry noises and demanding food. So Kyle padded of to the capsule that his friends were at and stuck his head through the hole on the far right. Tip was at the hole to his left with Jessy and Mud at the other two.

The food was a light brown mushy substance, almost like wet cat food only it didn't taste very great. But Kyle was too hungry to care as he filled his mouth with the mush swallowing greedily to make his stomach stop rumbling.

Once he had his fill helicked the extra off his lips as took his head out of the capsule hole. He padded of the the water capsules which looked the same only the horizontal part had half of its side gone.

Kyle lapped happy at the water's surface which rippled every time his tongue hit it. The cool water felt amazing going down his parched throat. He finished drinking and flicked the water droplets that got caught on his whiskers.

He looked over to see that his friends were all going in opposite directions. I guess they don't really hang out together. Well I think I'll just get a bit more familiar with this place.

He looked over at the gray door that no cat was allowed through. What could be through there that the humans don't want us to know about?

He started to pad over to the door but a cream colored she-cat padding over to him put a stop to that. Oh no, not another one. He could tell this situation was going to be trouble noticing how the blue eyed she-cat was walking in a very flirtatious manner. The female smiled at him widely.

"Hey there, you're cute," she said while walking in slow circles around him. Kyle was growing uneasy as he watched her circling becoming smaller and smaller.

"Um, thanks?" With a nervous expression he looked over to the locations in which his friends were but none were taking any notice of his predicament. Well, I'll have to get out of this mess myself.

His attention was diverted back to his situation when he felt the she-cat now circling him while rubbing her sides against him.

"You're muscular too," the she-cat continues. Oh my freaking gosh help me. His ears flattened to his head.

"Sorry but I have to go," he started padding away only to feel the she-cat nip at his tail. OW! He whipped around with a shocked and annoyed expression plastered on his face.

"I just wanna play," the she-cat pretended to look innocent. Pfch, like I'd fall for that.

"No no no," he said while turning her around and gentle pushing her towards the social corner. "Go over there, I'm sure you'll be able to fine someone to play with," he said pretending to not understand what she was hinting at.

She drapes herself over his back, "but I wanna play with you, none of the other males are as handsome as you are."

"We'll then you'll have to settle for second best because I'm not interested," he said a little more boldly. Finally, the she-cat gave up and walked away, but not without shooting and disappointed glare back at Kyle.

He blew out a sigh of relief till a new voice invaded the quiet.

"Well you handled that pretty well," he looked over to his right to see Tip padding over.

"Did you watch the entire time and not bother to come help me?" Kyle was a bit annoyed by that. He sits down with a thump.

Tip sits beside him waving his paw and closed his eyes for a moment, "No no not the whole time, I turned around and saw you two a few seconds before she left, besides, you were doing fine."

Kyle rolls his eyes sighing,"that was the most uncomfortable thing to happen to me in my entire life."

Tip starts laughing, "what are you a drama queen?"

Kyle joking responds with a paw posed under his chin, "No, why ever would you ask?" The two start cracking up. The two of them calm down before Tip brings up another thought.

"Why not pick up a girl? I'd be better than spending all your time alone in this place."

Kyle shakes his head from side to side slowly, "no, I'm not interested in finding love right now, I just want to get out of here."

Tip sighs, "don't we all."

Kyle stares again at the gray door. Tip takes notice of this.

"Watcha starein at?" Tip asks and looks in the direction Kyle is staring.

Kyle continues to stare, "that door, I wonder what's behind it."

Tip looks over at Kyle again, "No one knows, no one has dared to go through it."

Kyle tilts his head forwards with a look of confidence in his golden eyes, "then I guess I'll be the first." This sent a look of panic into Tip's eyes. As Kyle began to stand up, Tip jumps in front of him to block his path.


Kyle moves around him, "IF" he emphasized the word. He continued to pad towards the door. Tip was stuck in his spot, paralyzed with shock and fear for his friend. After a moment, he shook it off and dashed towards Kyle. Tip pounced on Kyle with as much force as he could and both toms ended up on the ground.

Tip was trying to regain his breath, "I, I can't let you do that, I-I'll fight you if I have to!"

Kyle lifted his head off the ground, "No, Tip, don't do that."

"Then don't go through the door!"

Kyle hesitated for a moment, then sigh, "fine, I won't." Tip sighed a big sigh of relief and lay completely on the ground while panting.

I won't right now, but I will tonight.

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