Chapter 6

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"So, I went through the forbidden door," Kyle began but was instantly cut off by Tip.

"YOU WHAT?! I TOLD YOU NOT--" Kyle stuffs his paw into Tip's mouth.

"Shush! Keep it down will you. We don't need the whole room knowing," Kyle whisper-yells at Tip before taking his paw out of Tip's mouth.

Jessy casually adds, "It's not like it matters if they know, besides, the number here has decreased dramatically. I'm surprised us four are still here."

Tips immediately goes back to his argument, "Kyle you could have gotten in so much trouble if you got caught!"

"Ya well I didn't get caught so there is no harm done," Kyle defends. Tip huffs in annoyance and looks at the ground with his little ears flatten against his head.

"Just don't do it again," Tip grumbles. Kyle then receives a punch in the shoulder from Mud.

"Hey!" Kyle exclaims while rubbing his shoulder.

Mud points his paw at Kyle's chest, "that was a true daredevil move man, I praise your power," Mud says while smirking. Kyle just rolls his eyes amused.

"As I was trying to say, I went through the door and I found a door that leads to outside! That can be our chance at escaping this awful place!" Kyle finished his explanation.

Jessy puts a paw under her chin in thought, "that must be why the humans don't want us going through the door, because it provides us with an excite."

Mud pops back into the conversation, "if we want to use this escape I suggest we do it today, the number of cats here is so low now that the humans will most likely finish the rest of us off by the end of the day tomorrow."

"I think we should make a break for the door the next time they come in here to gather cats, then they would be focusing on the cats in the room rather than on us," Kyle explains.

Tip hops to his paws, "fine but if I die I'm blaming you three."

Mud rolls his eyes, "Tip you'll have a better chance of staying alive if you come with us anyway."

"Did the humans come yet today while I was gone?" Kyle questions the others as they get up to go eat.

Jessy looks at him with a shake of her head, "no they haven't come yet, shouldn't we try to leave while they aren't here?"

Kyle shook his head in response, "bad idea, if they aren't in here then they might be through the door and we'll be caught and punished in whatever way they planned."

Before the four were able to reach the food capsules the black door bursts open with four lab coat men running in, each with a snare pole to catch a cat with. The remaining five cats plus the four friends began darting away.

Mud yowled startled, "oh crap that's our cue to leave guys!"

"Get to the gray door, NOW!" Kyle yowled over the other screeching cats. All four of them dash through the gray door only to come to a screeching halt. Towering above them is a large, dark skinned woman with black hair. She is holding a medical dish containing a syringe with green liquid inside it.

The woman spoke down to the cats' terrified faces with a booming voice, "where do you think you four are going?!" Kyle looked into her dark eyes and with a nervous grin response with,


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