Chapter 8

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It looks to be a shipment port with numerous shipping trucks parked around nearby. But that wasn't what horrified him,

The building is fenced in?!?!

The back of the building is completely fenced in with no way through or even see through the metal and gray plastic towering several feet tall above Kyle. The only possible exit would be through the big gate in the fence, but it is locked shut with chains due to the inactivity of the truck.

Crap, how am I supposed to get through that stupid gate?!

The door he came through soon reopened with the dark woman coming through, "there you are!" Kyle made a dash around a corner of the L shaped building to a mini parking lot with a few pick-up trucks parked in the spots.

I'm not going to be able to outrun that woman, but maybe I can trick her.

Kyle stops near the first parking spot and drops the syringe from his mouth. Its glass shatters into tiny pieces on the black top looking like snow almost. The green liquid that was contained inside spread across the dark surface of the pavement and leaked into the small cracks covering it. Kyle proceeded to lay down, placing his muzzle close to the spilled liquid, not wanting to risk touching the terrifying liquid and having to deal with possible consequences on top of being trapped here. He foams his spit around his lips and drools on the ground to look as if he accidentally ingested the vile substance.

A few minutes of anxious waiting later and he sees the woman come around the corner, her pace slowing when she sees him lying on the ground. She walks towards him, a full syringe hanging loosely in her hand. She is just a few feet away from Kyle when he heard her say with an accusatory voice, "this is why you shouldn't have been messing around you dang cat," before she slams her hand down on Kyle's scruff and grabs a handful of his fur.

Kyle tried to scramble away until he feels a sharp pinching pain in the base of his tail that froze his movements, the pain increases in intensity. He felt a burning spread throughout the veins of his whole body before his vision faded into a darkness, taking the light with it.

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