2. Dear ____,

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Dear ____,

I remember when you told me once, "Your gift is your imagination. My gift is the fact you allow me to travel through all the worlds you create."

Those words allowed me to go back to visit these people I created in these different worlds.

I've written. 


I've erased. 


"So you finally went back to him, huh?" You mused one night as you read a new piece of mine. "I won't lie, I did miss seeing this character. He's kept you in line for so long now I can't even think of him as just a character anymore."

Scary, isn't it?

How these characters saved us. They were there through thick and thin.

Your voice was gentle when you spoke that night. "Don't forget them. They are a piece of you just like you are to me."

I haven't forgotten them...don't worry.



Dear ____,Where stories live. Discover now