20. Dear ____,

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Dear ____,

When I say "I'm tired" I don't mean I'm sleepy or just physically tired.

When I say "I'm tired" I mean I'm mentally drained but saying "I'm tired" is the only way to express how I feel without bursting into tears or yelling in frustration.

Saying "I'm tired" is pointless because no one understands and I wanted to keep it that way. I wanted to keep being normal even though I was slowly drowning in my mind. Even if I was suffocating.

Yeah, I've been saying "I'm tired" a lot more recently...but I don't call for help. I think it's because I see no point to it. I see no point to asking for your help specifically. I think it's because you weren't the right person to ask. Scratch that. You aren't the right person to ask for help.

Guess what? I'm tired... but I think I'll finally get the rest I need to stop being so tired.
I'm assuming when you get this, you'll have gotten word of how they found me but don't worry...

I'm not tired anymore.

Forever the same,

I hope you never become tired.

Dear ____,Where stories live. Discover now