26. I had that dream again.

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Dear ____,

I had that dream again. Last night. I've never told you of this dream but then again I've only told you of one dream but I think I should tell you of this one particular dream. But you have to promise me something.

Promise me that when you read this you won't start to freak out. Although it's a reasonable reaction. I mean for all I know you might even grow worried or angry. Emotions are weird, aren't they?... I'm sorry, I got off track.

Anyway, my dream. That's why I'm writing this.

I've had this dream before. It use to happen every other night but eventually I started to dream of more things and scenarios and this dream became small compared to the others. Just thinking about it now though, I feel sick to stomach.

It always starts the same way:

I am alone outside. It's night time and the stars are shinning brighter than ever and the moon is so big that I always put my hand up besides it to compare them in size.

There's a pool of water just a few ways in front of me and I can clearly hear the ripple of water and the chirping of crickets. Barefoot, I walk towards the edge of the pool feeling the dew covered grass underneath my feet. I don't see my reflection on the water when I look down at the pool. Slowly, I sit down and submerge the bottom half of body in the water. It always feels so inviting. The water, I mean.

This next part is where I know you'll grow concerned.

I don't remember how I get from one part to the next but the water turns red as soon as my arms go underwater. I don't feel any pain but I also don't feel numb. I do feel the handle of the pocket knife in my hand though. I don't feel any panic as I swim to the middle of the pool and just let myself float idly on my back. The noises muffled and distorted by the water.

The stars shinning and twinkling gold against the inky night sky. The stars keep getting brighter and brighter till I eventually close my eyes.

That's when I wake up. The dream has changed over time but I hadn't had that dream for a long while. For it to suddenly come back is what makes me anxious. I mean you know me, weird coincidences and mishaps and I'm going off track again. I just wish you were back home. Here with me.

I'm scared


I don't know what to do

I miss you and I need your help but you aren't here anymore

You haven't been here for a long time now

I got off track again, whoops. What was I writing about again? Oh, right.

I had that dream again.


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