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🎃 Halloween Special 🎃

🎃 Vampire Loki 🎃


During the day in the Avengers tower he would stay in the shadows and claim he preferred the shadows when someone had asked why he was. No one knew he was a vampire as it was unheard of for a god to be a vampire.

The god was sitting in the farthest corner from all natural light sources, his long raven hair no long slicked back as he covered his pale face ,which was currently buried in a thick book that was surprisingly not of Norse origins. He seemed so engorged in the novel that he was unaware (character) had walked onto the floor and had called out his name.
Loki seemed to have grown thinner over the past few months he had been in the tower but he never seemed to eat food; though he couldn't as his stomach was not made to digest human food but rather blood which he had been unable to get access to while under house arrest.

He glanced up when he felt someone touch his shoulder, his normally emerald now crimson, eyes locking with (characters') eyes before they snapped back to his book. "Hm?" He asked, arching a brow as he continued to read. When he got no response he internally sighed and looked up. "What?" As he spoke his sharp fangs became visible though he did try to hide them as to keep his status hidden.

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