~Day 2 sensory loss ~

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Numb. Everything was just numb. He could describe it as the muffled staticky distant feeling, as if he was trapped in a cage while also being underwater. He heard the slight sounds of noise around him, and the faint ring of sirens. He desperately tried to reach for any connection, as if his ears were headphones and he could simply turn up the volume if he wanted it enough. He couldn't open his eyes, they felt glued shut. He questioned if he even had eyes. The idea of such things seemed foreign, but he had to have them. He had memories. Memories of vision and sound and touch. He knew he was moving his arms, flating them down against some type of surface, a surface that had no texture or feeling to him, as if he was in another dimension and could only experience a slight sense of the real world, like how someone would feel something crawling on them but seeing nothing, dismissing it as just a illusion rather then invisible creatures crawling on them. Sensation felt fake, like an illusion to Jay. He tried as desperately he could to reach out to the noises feelings and smells. He smelt the faintest smell of something burnt, the hated smoky smell that even the slightest smell could cause him to cringe, but now he held onto it as if it was a delighted smell, like a mothers perfume to a child who was lost.

The littlest of sensations he had slowly faded away and everything truly felt empty to him.


He could see. He could see the slightest blurriest amount of light. He still felt numb, like he was tied up tightly into something. He moved his head carefully and the blurred colours in his vision changed as he looked around. his ears picked up the quietest voices, he struggled to pick out what they were saying. "-ay! Jay!- .. 's -wake!" Frustration started to grow inside the boy. He wanted to take off his noise cancelling headphones.. but there were none. He moved his lips, his throats started to burn extremely, and it stood out from all the numb feelings. He hated the pain but he held onto it, not wanting to lose it. It was all he could feel. Jay did what he always did, speaking simple words he had more then known. He heard the vibration of his voice speaking but he didn't know what he said. He sensed the space move around him and it was if a shadow leaned on him, he knew his body had shifted although he felt nothing. He concluded someone was hugging him. He moved his hands to pat the numb solid figure around him, forcing his body to sit up. He felt like he was in space and it was hard to sense where and how exactly his body was positioned but he guessed he was sitting up. Colours of shadow moved closer to him. He croaked out words that he heard it in pieces. He hoped others had heard it as it was meant to be. "Guys? Are you there?" He heard more of the familiar voices but couldn't make out words.

Nya grasped Jays hand, seeing the boy hadn't even reacted to her touch. "Jay it's going to be ok." She had tears in her eyes and a part of her had not believed the words she had uttered, but she had to be positive for Jay. The boy looked around, his eyes not locking onto a single person or thing.

"He can't hear you." The doctor spoke up grimily. "All his sensor's are strongly damaged. You still haven't told me how he obtained these injures." The doctor frowned.

"We have told you." "He got trapped in a burning building." Kai spoke impatiently.

"Well yes. But he couldn't have substances injuries like that-" the doctor started.

Tears rolled down Nya's checks. "Are you accusing us of something?" Her voice was shakily and broken.

"Of course not. I understand you're all upset. I'll be back in an hour to take tests." The doctor spoke, exiting the room.

Jay curled up into himself, the utter feeling of hopelessness finally sinking in.

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