~Day 5 prescription dreams~

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Kai popped the sleeping pill into his mouth

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Kai popped the sleeping pill into his mouth. He had been having trouble sleeping for the last few weeks and Nya had finally convinced him to see a doctor, who gave him the medicine. He took a sip from his cup of water and felt the pill slither down his throat. He sighed and placed the cup on his nightstand before getting into bed. "Hopefully this works." He muttered then closed his eyes as his head rested on his pillow.

Colours swirled around him, clouding his vision. He put his hands up in front of his face to try and protect himself from the blinding light.

The light soon faded and he could see a dark shadowy figure in the distance. As Kai watched it it started to get closer to him until he could see its features. It was truly the stuff of nightmares with a large misshapen face and bent long arms and legs. As it inched closer to him Kai noticed that he couldn't move. He smelt the creatures fowl breath.

Kai awoke with a gasp. He quickly jumped up  and grabbed the container of pills. He opened his window and swiftly chucked them out of his room. "Never again." He shook his head.

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