Chapter 5

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Sorry for the lack of update, things are a little ruff right now. I'm also really busy with work. T-T

          He woke up alone, he wasn't sure why he woke up, but when he did he noticed his food. Sighing he slipped between the bars and stood up. Oh how much his legs ached. Taking this moment in he slowly dragged his feet along the floor. Too much sleep. That's what he has had. So much sleep all he wants to do is sleep, he's so tired now.

         He looked around the room as he made his way to one of the walls. He picked up a small twig off the ground and made his way back over to the cage. Sitting in front of it he slowly dragged the stick across the dirt covered ground.

      Drawing small shapes he moves forward more carefully moving over his drawings, slowly and slowly the area around his cage became a work of art. Lines, and shapes littering the floor, he almost felt at peace as he drew more and more.


       "I want the house. I get the house and the boy and you get your money. No house, no money, and you keep the boy."

         The man spent the next few days preparing for the guest, cleaning and cleaning. Moving his stuff out, he wasn't sure how the boy would take it, let alone how we was going to tell him, if even that.

       As the man started to walk down the stairs he looks around paniced when he noticed that the boy isn't in his cage like he usually is. He quickly ran/jumped down the rest of the stairs. His eyes frantically searching until he noticed him sleeping in one of the corners in the room.

          He walked over to the sleeping boy and places his foot lightly on his arm shaking him slightly. It wasn't long before the boys eyes snapped open and his expression turned from confused to scared. 

          Without meaning to the man presses his foot harder onto the boys arm. As his eyes start to gloss over the boy let's out a small cry. 'Please I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be out of the cage. I'm sorry. I won't leave again. I promise.' The man lifts his leg and takes a few steps away.

         With a long sigh the man opens his mouth to speak, 'Did I say you couldn't leave the cage? No I did not, so you are not in trouble, just try not to sleep in corners.' Forgetting why he came downstairs the man walks back up them and goes back to his packing.

Kidnapped/Taekook ff (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now