Chapter 8

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Un edited, sorry.

      1 Year Ago.  

     He didnt even get
to slide his bag off his shoulder before a screaming blob of brown hair was in his face. 

  "Mom wants to talk to you! She
said its important and you have to eat dinner with us or else you lose your phone! Also she doesnt like it when you spend so much time at school. She told me that she knows that you aren't really staying at school but that you are going-"

Slapping his hand over her
mouth he looks at her with a leveling glare before sighing. "Can you be quite for once in your life?"  Shaking her head he quickly removes his hand as he feels her tongue slide across his palm..

"NoPe.~" She sing-songs with a small
giggle and runs away. He sighs again and wipes his now wet hand on the leg of his jeans before slipping his bag off his shoulder and onto the ground before taking off his shoes.

He slowly walks into the living room looking around for any tripping hazards that were left by his sister. Once he safely made it out of the room he turned left and entered his now clean room. "Damn it mom." He groans as he finds everything that was once on his desk now put away.
Flopping (I love that word. XD) down on his bed he pulls out his phone.

He winced slightly as he feels pain
shoot down his back and pressure in his chest. "You really need to stop carrying that bag around. Your gonna end up hurting your back." Sitting up he looks at his sister again.

"I already have, now scram your not allowed in my room. "

She skipped over to the door before turning her head towards him, "Don't forget mom still wants you." She says with a smirk.

With a groan he a throws the closest thing to him in her direction before hearing her runaway with a airy giggle.

Im so sorry for going silent...

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