Chapter 2: All My Secrets

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We then made our way through Tyrena. Harc's and Jinx's home was near the Crystal Swamps that mom and dad use to take us to in their spare time. It was there when I swoop raced the Agrilat Swamp Circuit. Mom didn't allow me to race, however behind her back I began racing at the age of seven. She quickly discovered this, but thanks to my dad he was able to convince her to allow me to continue racing. Maya glanced over at the swamps with a smile. "Remember when you use to race in the swamps?"

I chuckled. "It's like you read my mind, sis. How could I forget? I had such a great time."

"You raced?" Loki repeated rather intrigued.

I nodded. "I first started when I was just seven."

We then made our way into Jinx's and Harc's home. It was quite lovely and rather neat. The place was filled with antiques and furniture from all different kinds of planets. There were also several Holopaintings not just of places but of our family as well. Kina's eyes lit up as she saw the decks of the game Pazaak at one of the tables in the living room. Oh no...

"Who wants to play Pazaak?" Kina asked with a wide smile.

"You say that only because you cheat." I teased.

Kina gasped, pretending to be offended. "I've done no such thing!"

"Oh sure. You're a saint." Gida chimed in with a grin.

"Alright, alright, so I may have cheated once or twice." Kina commented.

I raised an eyebrow. "Really? Only once or twice?"

Kina rolled her eyes. "So I've cheated...most times I played Pazaak. There I said it, happy?"

"So you're sure you want to marry into the family, Loki?" Jinx then asked Loki, teasing him.

"Of course. There's no woman like Storm, I truly love her." Loki assured her as he kept his eyes on me.

My smile widened. "Yes despite my secrets he still loves me. He was the only who understood me."

"You told him all our secrets?" Maya inquired in awe.

Before I could say anything, Harc blurted out. "Even how her maternal grandfather was Sith Lord?"

My face grew pale at his words. Loki furrowed his brows. "No...I haven't."

Loki then looked over at me. I glared at Harc feeling my anger rise as I clenched my fists.

"Harc'merr'ruanes! How could you!"

"Kids, why don't you play outside?" Jinx then suggested.

Jinx didn't have to say it twice as the kids rushed out the door. Jinx called out after them. "Make sure to stay near the house!"

Once they were out of the house, I felt my anger rise.

"Storm, remember to control your anger." Kina reminded me.

Harc then raised his hands. "Storm, I'm sorry. It just slipped I swear!"

At that moment Loki stood in front of me, placing a hand over one of my hands that was clenched in a fist. "Storm."

Once my eyes locked with Loki's blue eyes, I released my clenched fists and slowly I controlled my anger. My shoulders slumped. "I'm sorry Harc..."

"Water under the bridge." Harc replied, waving it off.

I then turned towards Loki with a look of guilt. "And I'm sorry Loki...I should've told you before."

"Looks like my family isn't the only one with secrets." Loki commented, trying to cheer me up.

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