Chapter 70: Saying Goodbye

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My face fell as I stood up at once. "And you let him?!" 

"Storm, he and Daisy are the only ones with the power to get close to Talbot." May pointed out. "He knew the risk he was taking. Piecor insisted in helping Daisy."

"That doesn't mean he had to go and possibly sacrifice himself." I argued.

"Storm, I know you're worried about Piecor, but he's stronger than you think." May assured me. "His powers are a combination of you and Loki. He's capable of so much."

"We needed you Storm, but you left." Mack added.

"I left because Piecor and I saw a vision of the Asgardians being slaughtered by Thanos! And not only did he succeed, but he took everything from me. And now I don't know where either Thor or Obi is, let alone if they're alive..."

May's and Mack's faces softened at my words. Erol gave me a sympathetic look.

"I tried saving the future of their lives...and I failed. I don't want to see anymore lives that I care for to be killed off, not if I can help it." I continued with a determined look.

At that moment, we heard Piecor's voice through Erol's comlink. Erol immediately responded. "Piecor, are you all right?"

"Yeah, Daisy and I are both fine. And we did it...we blasted Talbot out of the atmosphere and into space." Piecor informed us.

I let out a sigh of relief. I glanced over at May, who wore a smile. "I knew he could do it."

"I never doubt Piecor's abilities, I'm just afraid that he'll do more than he can handle." I confessed.

May nodded, offering a smile. "I know, but he's not alone. He has you, his siblings, and us. You're a great mom, Storm. But there's going to be a time when you're going to have to let go, no matter how painful it may be."

I nodded. "...Thanks May."

"Come on. Let's go meet up with the others." Erol suggested.

Once we made our way towards the Quinjets, I saw both Daisy and Piecor walking towards us. My face widened as they noticed me. As as they reached me, Piecor gave me a hug. "Mom! You're all right!"

I nodded. "And so are you."

"Aunt Daisy and I took down Talbot." Piecor informed me.

Kina raised an eyebrow. "Aunt Daisy?"

"I told him that he could call me that." Daisy explained. "And...I mean we are family, right?"

"Of course. You're all family." I assured her.

Once we returned to the Lighthouse, we were able to stabilize Phil, and everyone was happy to see Kina and me again. Currently we were all back on the Zephyr. Davis and Piper were up in the cockpit, Jemma was somewhere else on the Zephyr, while the rest of us were in the landing bay. Drinks were poured out for everyone, but for Piecor and me. Everyone remained silent until Phil spoke up. "Come on. This is a celebration, not a funeral."

Jemma then joined us in the landing bay. I felt terrible for her, and I understood her very well. Mack and I were the ones who broke the awful news to her. Jemma sat beside me, giving me a smile. I returned her smile before looking around at everyone else. "Every time I set foot in the Zephyr, many memories come flooding back."

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