Chapter 40: You Must Lay Low

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~May 19th, 2017~

For the next week I helped Leo to try to figure out what happened. Meanwhile, Kina, Hilna, R3, and Ahsoka were all stuck in their cells. Every night Obi-Wan, Yoda, and Anakin would visit me, and they'd talk to me, trying to comfort me as I grew more frustrated. Leo and I couldn't come up with anything, we were stuck. I send encoded messages out to Tony in hope that he'd help, and I also have reached out to Frigga and Maya through the Force, hoping they'd do something.

A week had finally passed, but it felt more like a month. The door of my cell opened, revealing General Hale for a change. That's new...usually it's a few soldiers who take me to either Evans or Lucas. Something was different, I could sense it.

"You're free to go, Agent Odinson." She informed me.

I furrowed my brows. "I don't understand..." 

General Hale clenched her jaw as she glared at me. It looked like it pained her to let me go. She was about to speak again when a familiar voice spoke up. "It means you're coming with me."

My eyes lit up as I saw Tony out in the hallway. I immediately walked over towards him. "Tony? Oh it's so great to see you."

"You too, Storm." Tony replied before looking over at Hale, who looked like she wanted to kill us right where we stood. "I think we should continue this conversation outside."

I nodded. "Great idea."

Once I gathered my things, I walked out with Tony to find one of his luxury cars within the base. There in the car sat Ahsoka, Hilna, R3, and Kina, all in the back. However I didn't see Leo anywhere. I was baffled upon not seeing him.

"Where's Leo?" I asked.

Tony hesitated. "I'm sorry, Storm. I couldn't get him out. I could only get you five out."

I furrowed my brows. "How?"

"Well, I have connections with the army." Tony explained. "And I reminded them of the times you, Kina, and the others saved Earth from several dangers. Not to mention what you said to the senators before signing the Sokovia Accords..."

I then raised an eyebrow, seeing right through him. He noticed as he quickly added. "I gave them an offer they couldn't refuse..."

I sighed. "Alright Corleone, let me bribed them?"

"What? No, definitely not. I didn't bribe them, that would be illegal. Like I said I gave them an offer...a pretty good one." Tony corrected. "And hey, what are you complaining about? I got you, Kina, Ahsoka, R3, and Hilna out."

I nodded. "Yes, which I am truly grateful for...I couldn't take another week in there. It was awful. But that doesn't explain why my friend, Leo is still inside."

"Unfortunately he's not an Avenger, that was unfortunately part of the deal. Not to mention that S.H.I.E.L.D. is now seen as a terrorist organization...again." Tony elaborated.

"And since when are both Ahsoka and R3 Avengers?" I inquired.

"Since you sent me those letters." Tony clarified. "So now they're officially part of the Avengers team. However there's another part of the deal."

I crossed my arms. "Which is?"

"You and the others must lay low, and try not to attract much attention to the public." Tony informed me.

My face fell. "For how long?"

Tony shrugged. "Not sure. Just until this whole dilemma is dealt with."

"But I need to find my team. They're out there...somewhere." I protested. "They're my family too, Tony."

"Storm, I'm sorry you need to follow the deal. Or you could be thrown back in that cell." Tony warned as we walked over to the car. "They don't want you to attract unwanted attention."

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