Chapter 72: Fighting Thanos

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~Frigga's P.O.V.~

After we were introduced to Peter Quill, Mantis, and Drax, we came up with a plan. It wasn't long until Thanos arrived here on the planet. Quill, Mantis, Drax, and Uncle Tony all hid in different areas. I hid behind a building that was partly still standing alongside Peter. We both peaked from the top as we watched Thanos arrived before Strange.

"Oh yeah, you're much more of a Thanos." Strange retorted as soon Thanos appeared.

"I take it that Maw is dead." Thanos commented, earning a nod from Strange. "This day extracts a heavy toll. Still he accomplished his mission."

"You may regret that. He brought you face to face with a Master of Mystic Arts." Strange warned.

"Where do you think he brought you?" Thanos asked as he walked towards Strange.

"Let me guess. Your home?" Strange inquired.

"It was. And it was beautiful." Thanos replied as he curled his fist with the gauntlet, changing the scenery of this planet.

I looked around in awe as the planet was filled with green lawns, tall buildings, ponds, and several ships flying around. I also saw people like Thanos walking around.

"Titan was like most planets. Too many mouths, and not enough to go around. And when we faced extinction, I offered a solution." Thanos explained.

"Genocide." Strange corrected.

"But at random, dispassionate, fair to rich and poor alike. They called me a madman. And what I predicted came to pass." Thanos elaborated as he released his illusion of Titan.

"Congratulations. You're a prophet." Strange rebuked in a sarcastic tone.

"I'm a survivor." Thanos reiterated.

"Who wants to murder trillions." Strange pointed out.

"With all six stones, I could simply snap my fingers, and they would all cease to exist." Thanos said as he snapped his fingers. "I call that...mercy."

At that moment, Strange stood up. "And then what?"

"I finally rest, and watch the sun rise on a grateful universe. The hardest choices require the strongest wills." Thanos informed him.

Strange then took out his orange shields with his powers. "I think you'll find your will equal to yours."

"Ours?" Thanos repeated before looking up.

He then saw a huge boulder, heading towards him, which was being pushed by Uncle Tony. Before Thanos could react, he was crushed by it. The rest of us then jumped out of our hiding places.

"Piece of cake, Quill." Uncle Tony mentioned.

"Yeah, if your goal was to piss him off!" Quill retorted.

At that moment, the boulder was crushed into a billion pieces. Before the pieces could reach us, Thanos turned the pieces into a huge flock of bats, swarming Uncle Tony, and pushing him back. Peter then used his spider powers to cover Thanos's eyes with a web before kicking him in the face.

Drax and I then came in, he sliced his knee with his daggers, while I struck his leg with my yellow lightsaber. Thanos raised his gauntlet, blocking Drax's attack, while he used his other hand to try and block my attacks. It wasn't long until Drax was thrown back into a wall. It was then when he wiped the web off of his eyes. I lunged towards him, striking my lightsaber against his gauntlet, but it didn't break.

He tried pushing me back, but I remained strong as I created several illusions of myself. Together we all struck, slicing a part of his leg. He groaned as he stumbled back.

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