Part 5

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CRUZSPOV. - sorry it's been his a lot lately

I ran back to the door and opened it.
I heard muffled voices coming form upstairs so I went up .
"Please get off me don't do it " I heard someone say . It sounded a lot like Harper .
"OY GET OF HER NOW " I bathed in the room and I was shocked by what I saw .
Harper was handcuffed to the bed fully unclothed crying and screaming whilst a women stood over her .
"Cruz help me please " I ran over to her .
"Ha little Harper's got a boyfriend." She said
She was also unclothed but I ignored that .
"What are you doing to her Let her go NOW "I yelled
" what r u going to do about it it's not like we haven't done this before " she laughed
I looked at Harper and she was still crying
"Who are you ?"
"I'm her mother dear and if u don't get out of my house something will happen " she said whilst smirking.
She began to walk to Harper and straddled her .
I pushed her off and found the keys to the handcuffs.
She tried to stand up but her mother pushed her back down and forced herself on her.
"GET OFF HER NOW " I was getting very angry and I couldn't hold it in anymore .
I punched her mum blacked out .
" here take this "I said giving harper my hoodie
She put it on and it was to big for her .
"I'm sorry I'm really am sorry " Harper said to me
"Why you haven't done anything wrong ." I said pulling her in for a hug
"Yes I have . I will explain it later but can we please go to your house before she wakes up " she looked at me and her bark blue eyes where all swelled and puffy .
"Yes let's go . "
"Wait can I just run to my room and put some joggers on please "
"Yeah sure "

She ran across the hall and came back  quickly still wearing my hoodie but with some grey joggers this time .
She was very beautiful even when she's upset .

Skip to the beckhams house1-
The whole walk here harper didn't let go of my hand and it felt nice to be honest .
We also agreed to talk to my parents about what had happened

We arrived at my house and walked in .

"Cruz is that you " mum shouted form the kitchen
"Yeah mum it's me "
"Come into the kitchen please "

I walked into the kitchen with harper still holding my hand .
"Hi my name is Victoria and I'm cruzs mum " my mum said to Harper
"Hi I'm harper " she said back
"Mum can we have a word with you as dad  please "
"Yeah sure . DAVID COME DOWN HERE " she shouted

Harper's pov -

David came downstairs and introduced himself to me .
We sat down around there kitchen table the Cruz started talking
" harper needs to tell you something what just happened and I don't want u to say anything until she is finished okay " he said to his parents and they all looked confused

"Um so my dad and sisters died in the summer holiday in a car crash and since then my mother has been abusing me physically and mentally "
I pulled up the sleeve in cruzs hoodie revealing an arm full of bruises form what just happened .
" and cruz just save me from something happening that's happened before "
I was on the verge of crying and David and Victoria looked at me worried .
"Um she um keeps raping me over and over again mad she handcuffs me to the bed "
That's when I burst out into tears
"Cruz came just in time before anything could happen again "
Victoria got up from her seat and hugged me and David joined aswell .

"You can not go back to that house we will get the maid to make the guest bedroom up for tomorrow .but is it okay if u sleep with Cruz tonight ? " Victoria said
I nodded into the hug .
"I really can't thank you enough really I've only known cruz a day and he's already my best friend. I just hope it hasn't put him if by what he saw " I said pulling out of the hug .
Cruz laughed and grabbed my hand .
"Never " he said back

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