Chapter 21: Submissive

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"Ugh!" The toothbrush jabs the inside of my cheek and I quickly pull it out, gagging partially on the mouthful of toothpaste suds. I was leaning back and have to straighten up first, then spit out into the sink before rinsing.

"Are you okay, Braden?" Jae carefully calls from the bedroom.

No, I stabbed myself with an unsharpened shank because I was trying to watch you bend over to make the bed.

"I'm fine!" I squawk. I finish up in the bathroom and re-enter the room. Jae has unfortunately, finished straightening the covers. He gives me a polite smile before grabbing his clothes and entering the bathroom, closing the door behind himself.

I should thank the Luna again for not telling Jae that some rooms opened up once the pack was released from our safety lock-down.

After that mistake the first night, I've been extremely cautious to not let myself lose control again. I've been sleeping on the floor, pressed as far away from the bed as possible. I haven't slept well, but I've managed not to scare my mate again and I think he's been a little more comfortable with me.

Since being released yesterday, the pack has been busy. There are businesses to attend to, as well as cleaning up the scene of the attack. Every pitched in yesterday to clean up the clinic and its almost back to normal.

When the new exam room equipment comes in, we'll go out and install it and Dee has to reprint about half of the patient's files. The windows and new door were installed yesterday and the Luna is re-opening the clinic today. Werewolf strength really helps get the job done fast.

The Alpha updated the pack yesterday. No more rogues have been found in our territory since the attack. Also, all surrounding packs reported in that they have not seen any suspicious activity lately. We're not sure where the attack came from, but for now we're living normally, but cautiously. I know that the Alpha has increased patrols around the entire territory and that the Luna will have an escort of guards for a while.

I wait patiently for Jae to finish getting ready. Once he's done and out of the bathroom, we head down to breakfast. It's a different feel to the crowd today, much smaller more relaxed. Families are already serving themselves to the simple buffet of toast, eggs, bacon, sausage, muffins and yogurt. I make sure to snag Jae a couple of the blueberry muffins because I know he likes them. Also, some extra eggs and bacon, he's so shy getting himself food.

Luna Alec is already sitting with several others, that I know to be on guard duty today, when we join him. I dig into my food, but it seems to sit heavy in my stomach. Jae talks with the Luna, but even responds to conversation with some of the others, too. With everyone getting back to normal, that means that I'll resume my usual pack duties.

Today, that means I'll help with breakfast clean-up and lunch prep. After lunch, I'll watch the pre-school age pups all afternoon. What's got me down is that while I'm doing that, the Luna will be at the clinic all day. Meaning, I won't see Jae until dinnertime.

I eat slower and slower until I can't bring myself to take another bite. Conversation flows around me but I can't bring myself to follow along. Jae is still seated right next to me, still eating, and I already feel miserable about being apart. I'd just gotten myself balanced before he arrived and three days with his presence has me spoiled.

The heavy feeling shifts to my chest, turning into a sharp pain. I stand up abruptly, grabbing my plate and mumbling a good-bye. I'm not crying yet, but I can feel myself losing control and I don't want to embarrass myself again. Not in front of Jae.

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