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Hi guys just to warn you this chapter does contain explicit scenes I will however mark these scenes out with 💫 for people who want to skip them 💚💚... enjoy!

Hey, hey, hey!
Another quiet Saturday night here at the top of the world... If you can hear my voice, let me just say I'm glad you're still alive. The Great Zombie Zunami of 03 continues to pound the prairie into dust, headed south from Nebraska into Kansas.
This hive minded crowd of a million plus zombies is crushing everything in its random path, so watch your ass out there... Keep your hands and feet inside the boat, and don't feed the animals. This is Citizen Z... Signing off.

Three days later and the group hadn't had anything to eat or drink since the fu-bar.

Warren was slumped against the truck barely awake whilst Cassandra was led on her front.

10k was sprawled on his back ringing his sweaty tshirt into his mouth.

Mercy swatted his arm half heartedly from her spot led perpendicular to him with her head on his stomach.

"Im so not kissing you now" she croaked her throat dry.

"Even if you did it would be like sandpaper on sandpaper" 10k commented refering to their dry and chapped lips.

Doc came over from a corner and dropped to the floor in defeat.

"I read somewhere that you could drink your own urine but all Im pissing is dust" he claimed.

"C'mon water aint gunna find you sat here"

Inexplicably Murphy was the only one not affected and was currently running on the spot trying to encourage the others to keep going.

"Why are you so freaking chipper?" Warren asked him.

"Been wondering that myself... maybe its because I conserve my precious bodily fliuds" he said his happy go lucky demeanor making everyone else groan.

Suddenly the ground started to shake and rumbling was heard in the distance.

"What the..." Mercy breathed turning her head towards the gigantic cloud of dust sprouting rotting limbs in all directions.

"What is that an earthquake?" Cassandra asked without looking.

"More like a zombie quake" 10k told her.

"I suggest we run" Murphy said pulling Warren off the ground.

"C'mon lets go... lets go" he urged.

Warren started moving and the others followed. Doc and Cassandra kept an arm around eachother to keep themselves up and 10k half carried Mercy.

As they started running Mercy's vision went dark... her head lolled forward... all strength left her and her legs collapsed beneath her almost pulling both her and 10k down.

"No no no come on baby I dont have the strength to carry you please" 10k said kneeling down and holding her up pushing the hair out of her face.

Murphy circled around reaching for the weakened girl.

"Ive got her" he said.

10k pulled his girlfriend closer still not trusting the man.

Murphy gave the young boy a serious look.

"The z's are coming and you're too weak to carry her so unless you want to lose her I suggest you suck it up and trust me... I've got her..."

Reluctantly 10k nodded and Murphy picked Mercy up as they both started moving again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2019 ⏰

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