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Jaycee sat in the backseat of Raylans car. She struggled to get comfortable as this was the first time shed been back here.

Tim, the man who had taken her to Raylans room, sat in the front seat, his hat pulled down so you could hardly see his eyes. Raylan spoke softly and quickly about some work things while Tim nodded in agreement to everything that was said. Jaycee wasnt paying attention.

"-crown molding?" Raylans voice broke through.

"Huh?" She asked.

"Crown moldings? How do you feel about that?" Raylan asked. Jay frowned slightly, looking to her father. What was he on about? What were crown moldings?

"For...a house?" Jaycee sounded confused.

Raylan looked to her in the rearview mirror. "Girl ain't you listenin'?"

"No. You talk about work a lot. Ya arent on the clock so put a sock it it, would ya?"

Tim laughed. "She got that right, Givens."

Raylan shot a glare to the blonde man in the seat next to him. "Imma put a sock in your mouth."

"Only if it's yours, lover boy." Tim placed him hand on Raylans shoulder, earning a laugh from Jaycee.

"God you two make me sick." She shook her head.

"Anyways, Jay, crown moldings?"

"Raylan, I honestly dont care. Just buy a house already. Ma is getting impatient and so am I." She told him, sass lacing her voice. Raylans eyebrow raised at her.

"Girl you better watch your tone with me. I am your father, remember that."

Jaycee just rolled her eyes, sighing as he finally parked a car. Jay was the first out of the car, stretching her arms above her head for a second. Tim stood next to her in a matter of seconds, staring at her with his green eyes.

"Whatchya looking at there, Gutterson?" She asked.

He averted his eyes quickly, shaking his head. "Not a damn thing." He spoke.

Jaycee smirked before she looked to the house now. Theyd come out about 20 minutes outside of Lexington to look at this house. The whitewashed brick building had two stories and a porch like her mommas house but it had a different air about it.

Raylan spoke quickly with the realtor about the details of the house before they were led inside. Jaycee stayed next to Tim as Raylan spoke of price and things that needed work.

"So you're changing your last name?" Tim wandered around the empty room, looking at the details in the house. Jay looked to him, watching how he kept his head up and eyes seeming to scan every few moments.

"Yeah. Figured its only right I have my rightful last name. Then Raylan would have some claim to me." Her voice was soft. "The goal is to have him adopt me so hed be my dad officially."

Tim looked over to the girl who looked like a small, feminine version of her father. "That dont sound like a bad plan." He muttered. They continued to the next room, looking around again. Tim avoided the windows, seeming to be on guard.

"You alright? You seem kinda...stiff." Jay questioned him. Tim's eyes darted to her again, lingering for a moment before they moved on.

"Yeah, being in new places just puts me on edge a but, I guess."

"Then why agree to come?"

"Raylan isnt good at communicating with you. So he asked me to tag along since I'm closer to your age."

"Ah, he needed a buffer."

"Exactly." Tim spoke.

"Well, hate to break it to ya, blondie, but ya ain't any better than he is."

Tim smiled, catching Jaycees attention now. How hadnt she notices his lips before? They were so pink and tight, like theyd been stuck in a smirk for years. But the smile was natural.

"Okay, so, I think this is it." Raylan broke Jay's gaze on Tim and her eyes moved to her father. She raised her eyebrows at him now.

"Really, now?"

Raylan nodded. "Yeah, I put in an offer and we will see how this goes." He shrugged.

"Well, were getting places. Anyone hungry?" Tim asked.

Jaycee nodded, moving past her father as she headed back out to the car.

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