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Tim arrived at the Cabin with Art and Rachel only a few minutes after everything had ended. Raylan greeted them, holding his daughter in his arms. He gently handed her over to Tim. Jaycees body was limp, her conciousness in and out. Tim looked her over as he moved her to the backseat of the black SUV, his eyes scanning for anything he could do to help her. 

Tim was breifing the other two Marshals behind him. "Jaycee shot him." Raylan pointed to the man laying on the ground. Tim turned to look at the man, seeing the wounds this man had. 

"How many shots did she fire?" Tim asked. 


"One in the head, one in the chest. Shes a natural, Raylan." 

"I dont know how she did it with the concussion she has." Art said, motioning to the girl. "Emts are about two minutes out." 

Tim looked to Jaycee, taking in a deep breath as he moved some hair from her face. "Jaycee." He said softly, knowing her head was hurting something awful. "Can you open youre eyes?" Tim asked her, dipping his head down to look at her eyes. "Come on, sweetheart, let me see your eyes." 

Jaycees eyes opened, looking at Tims sea green eyes. She gave a weak smile to him, her eyes fighting to stay open. "Just a coulple more minutes, okay? Everything is gonna be alright. Just look at me." 

"Hi." She replied to him weakly. "This isnt exactly what I had planned." Her voice was slured, like shed been drinking all night. Tim cracked a half smile at her. "I shot a man, I think." She mumbled, her eyebrows knitting together. Tim looked over to the man, nodding. 

"You did. You got him, Jaycee. Youre gonna make a great Marshal one day. Just cant be like your Dad, alright? He does too much stupid shit." 

Jayce snorted at that, shaking her head. "I think hes a pretty decent Marshal." 

"That he is. But you can be better." Art smirked, leaning against the door to watch Jaycee with Tim. He'd never seen Tim show emotions especially toward a female. He squinted at Raylan. "Raylan, shes in good hands. Go after the girl." Art said. Raylan shifted his weight, thinking it over before he nodded, his eyes looking to Tim. 

"Do not leave her." He stated. Tim nodded once, his hands placing on Jaycees face. Raylan drove away just as the medics pulled in, lights and sirens going. Jaycee let out a whine, her head falling forward to rest on Tims shoulder. Tim shushed her, covering her ears for her. When they cut the sirens, Tim removed his hands from her ears and pciked her head up gently. "You conna let me carry you this time?" He asked her softly. Jaycee scoffed and shook her head. 

"Not a chance, Gutterson." She groaned, moving her legs over to the edge of the car. Tim smirked as the paramedics got out of the ambulance.  Tim took a step back, his hands ready to catch her as she stood up. She took one small step towards Tim and her knees buckled. Tim caught her, quickly adjusting to cradle her in his arms. He moved her over to the ambulance, easily laying her on the gurney. The moment his hands left her body, she reached for his hand. Tim took it gently, pressing a  kiss to the back of her hand. 

"Tim." She mumbled, her eyes finally shutting. 

"Im not going anywhere, darlin'." 


A week later, Tim walked into Raylans house, keeping himself quiet. Today was Raylans first day back at work but it wasnt willing. Art needed him back in the office so Raylan had Tim coming over to sit with Jaycee. The rule about them not being in her room together had been ignored since Jaycee wasnt really allowed to move around or be stimulated too much until today. 

Tim walked up the stairs quietly, opening her bedroom door. She had the bedside lamp on, curled up on her side, her eyes closed. Tim moved to sit on the bed, gently rubbing her arm. Jaycee sighed out contently, her eyes opening. The bruising on her cheek was starting to yellow now. She gave him a smile, her hands taking his and pulling it into her chest to cuddle it. 

Tim chuckled at her, gently moving to where he was laying down in front of her, their faces not too far apart. He had left the doo ropen in case Raylan had decided to come home early. He wanted no reason for his trust to be broken. "How are you feeling?" He asked her, pushing her hair from her face. Jaycees eyes opened, looking to Tim. 

"My head still hurts a little but I feel a lot better." She breathed out. "Still a little foggy." 

"Thats fairly normal." He said softly. Jaycee moved closer to him, her forehead resting against his chest. She was still half asleep and Tim didnt want to wake her too much. "You know after this, Raylan might make you go to therapy." He mumbled, pressing his lips to the top of her head. Jaycee sighed and nodded. 

"He sits in here at night sometimes to make sure I dont have bad dreams about killing that man." She said softly. "But I dont feel any sort of regret. I did what I had to do to save my dad." She  mumbled. Tim listened to h er, rubbing her back gently as she spoke. 

"Im glad you see it like that. The first kill is usually the hardest." He whispered. "Go back to sleep. Im not going anywhere." 

"You need sleep, too." She whispered. "You have been here after work everyday so Raylan could sleep." 

"I'll sleep, just gotta make sure youre asleep first." He whispered. Jaycee nodded into his chest, nuzzling closer into him. Finally, Jaycee fell asleep cuddled into Tim. His arms wrapped around her protectivly, not wanting her to feel scared at all. When Tim was certain that Jaycee was asleep and wouldnt be waking anytime soon, Tim closed his eyes, falling asleep with her held close. 

For the first time since the war, Tim slept peacefully. 

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