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 A month had passed since their breakup and Jaycee had been working on moving to Richmond so she could be closer to school. Art had asked Jaycee if she wanted a part time job as an assistant to the Marshals. She would take calls, hand out files, run for coffee, and do lunch runs. She accepted his offer and today was her official first day on the job. 

Jaycee had spent the first week, laying in bed and crying. Raylan usually ended up bringing her food and water to her bedroom, making sure she was eating. He was so relieved when the crying had stopped. He felt as though it would never end. He couldnt imagine how Jaycee felt. 

Tim, on the other hand, had returned home to find every trace of Jaycee gone. He cleaned up all the broken glass, fixed his apartment as best he could. He found his ring on the hanger and that was the moment he knew it was over, he knew any future with her was thrown away because of his careless words. There were times at night that he would reach for her in his sleep, only to find empty sheets and a pillow that smelled like her shampoo and conditioner. 

It was in those moments that he really felt how heartbroken he was. He couldnt believe he had lost her. It didnt feel right without her. 

Jaycee walked into the office, wearing heels, jeans, and a black button down shirt. Raylan had gone out of town two days ago to work on a case. She had just left her mothers, where her mom had cut off all of her hair and lightened it a little. Jaycee needed a change and her momma always said that hair grows back so why not change it up every now and then? Jaycees new pixie cut suited her face so well. 

Art saw her enter the office and he smirked, heading over to her. "Alright, lets get you briefed." Art said, immediately kicking her into work mode. "Your desk is right there." Art pointed to it. Jaycees eyes looked to the empty desk that had always resided next to Tims. She smirked at that. Jaycee had spent the last month avoiding Tim. "Right now, I just need you to get settled." Art nodded. 

"Yes sir. Thank you." She spoke, moving to sit behind the desk. She opened the drawer to place her bag into it when Art left her alone to settle in. Rachel was sitting at the desk to the left of Jaycee. 

"Hey." Rachel smiled. "I love the hair." 

"Thank you. I needed a change." Jaycee smiled. 


Tim entered the office, his eyes down on his phone. His left hand held his coffee. He looked exhausted, like he wasnt sleeping. Granted that he hadnt really slept well since Jaycee had left. The blonde Marshal moved to his desk, taking his seat. He had noticed the girl with the pixie cut at the desk next to him but her back had been to him. 

"Afternoon, ma'am" He said as he sat his phone down. "Im Tim Gutter-" 

Jaycee turned around, her eyes looking to him. "Im well acquainted with you, Gutterson." She said softly, taking a seat at her desk. Jaycees eyes focused on the homework she was working on. She had the file open as she typed. 

Tims green eyes watched her for a long moment, his heart aching for a moment before he felt the cold take over him. His eyes hardened on her. "Why are you here?" 

"Art hired me. Im now a Marshal Service Assistant."

"What the fuck does that mean?" 

"I do whatever you ask of me." She mumbled. 

Tim considered asking her to come back to him, just come home with him, but he didnt. She was clearly done with him. He got up, moving into Arts office, closing the door behind him. Arts eyes looked up to Tim, frowning. 

Move her, Art. I am begging you." 

"No can do." 


Art sighed as Tim stood with his hands on his hips. "I cant effectively do my job with my ex fiancee sitting next to me." 

Art shook his head, his eyes hard on Tim. "You broke it, you fix it." Art said. 

"You ever think she broke me, too?" 

"Then you both have some work to do." 

"God dammit, Art." 


Raylan had returned to the office, Winona in tow. He saw his daughter, seeing the name plate on her desk. He knew about the hair,  Ava had texted him so he wouldnt be so surprised by it when he saw her. It was around 7 at night, Tim was sitting at his desk, trying his best to ignore Jaycee. Jaycee was doing the same thing, her eyes darting between the file and the laptop in front of her. 

Raylan moved to her desk, tapping the wood of the desk. Jaycees eyes looked up to him, a smile plastering on her face. "Welcome back." 

"You ready to go? Art said your car died?" 

"Yeah, just the alternator. I can fix it tomorrow before school." She nodded once. 

"Tim." Raylan greeted. 


Jaycee had gotten used to Winona being around. She was basically living with them now and it was actually nice to have another woman in the house. The girls shared a look before Jaycee stood, closing the laptop and the file, putting them both in her backpack. She moved to her fathers girlfriend, hugging her. 

Tim watched as the three left, his eyes lingering on Jaycee as she walked away. He sighed, shaking his head. He placed his elbows on his desk and started at the computer screen for a long moment. He needed to get home and get some sleep. He was far too tired to be making sense of any of the words on screen. Tim grabbed his jacket and headed out to his car. He saw Jaycees car and he frowned, thinking about fixing it for her but he knew he would only get reprimanded by Jaycee for it. 

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