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TW - detailed sexual assault ahead!

Jaycee sat on her bed at her moms house in Harlan. Her fingers clicked the keyboard carefully, really focusing on what she was doing. Her brown hair was pulled back into a ponytail, glasses perched gracefully on her nose, and headphones in each ear. She'd been working on this introduction essay for hours now and only had a few words written down.

Jay was about ready to give up when her phone rang. It was a welcome distraction from this paper. Jaycee stood up, moving to grab the phone from her wooden desk. She frowned.

"Hey, Boyd." Her voice came across concerned as she pulled out the headphones. "What's going on?"

All Jaycee could hear was the rumbling of his truck which seemed to be on her end too. Jaycee looked out her window to see the raven haired man standing outside beside the rumbling truck.

"Caller number one, come on down!" He said into the phone. Jaycee smirked and quickly grabbed one of Raylans old hoodies from high school. She moved down the stairs quietly, knowing her mama was already asleep. It was rare for Boyd to show up unannounced.

Jay grabbed her boots in her hands and made her way out to the front porch. "Boyd, what are you doing?" She asked him. Boyd just smiled and motioned for her to get in the truck. Jaycee looked back to the house and let out a sigh before she ran to the passenger side and climbed in.

Boyd was already in, waiting for her to place her seatbelts on before he pulled out of the driveway and onto the road. He smiled as he pulled onto the road that would lead them to Audreys. Jaycee frowned, the spot between her eyebrows wrinkled.

Boyd saw the frown and responded with his joyful laughter.

"Boots on, hair down little girl! We gonna have some fun!" He smiled, pulling into the parking lot. Jaycees old worn out boots had holes in the souls and cracks in the leather on the top but they were the most comfortable thing she owned. Once the boots were on, Jaycee let her shoulder blade length hair down from its ponytail.

Boyd seemed to be in a rush. The parking lot was packed tonight. Even with the Marshals crawling around. She looked to Boyd as he seemed a little more uppity than usual.

He placed his hand on the door before he looked to the pretty soon to be 18 year old. "Now listen JayRay, I need you to get on that bar and dance. Distract as much as you feel necessary." He pressed a kiss to her forehead before opening the door.

Jaycee had never seen this place so packed before. There were so many people here. Over capacity for sure. Boyd had recently taken charge of the run down bar and moved in some prostitutes and what looked to be drugs.

Jaycees eyes hardened on her Uncle, taking his wrist in his hand. "Boyd. You want me to do this? You take me put back right now to let me smoke some reefer and then I'll get on your bar." She told him.

Boyd's eyes locked on hers, contemplating if he needed her this badly. He needed everyone distracted while he took care of business in the back office. Somewhere under the red sign that flashed "no exodus without repentance." He growled slightly and took her hand, leading her through the door to the back office.

Two men sat in the room, guns on the table in front of them, Devil and Johnny holding guns to their heads. Jaycee looked between the men and Johnny, eyes widening as Boyd quickly ushered her out the door.

"What is that?!" She almost hissed at him as she pointed to the door.

Boyd sighed and handed her the pipe and lighter which she happily took. The tension in that room was thicker than molasses.

"Just business, baby doll."

Jaycee frowned at his words before she took a few hits from the pipe, leaving her feeling much less stressed.  The last hit stung the back of her throat as she exhaled but she didnt cough. This wasnt the first time and it wouldnt be the last. At least for a while.

"Ah! Ellen May! Would you take my lovely niece here up to the bar? Maybe give her some shorts while you're at it."  Boyd spoke quickly as one of the sweeter prostitutes walked by.

The brunette smiled at Boyd before she looked to Jay. "Of course. Come with me, sweetheart." Ellen May held out her hand to Jaycee. It wasnt the first time shed been around prostitutes. She never really minded them. The girls here were doing what they needed to survive. Jaycee loved that idea bit couldnt bear the thought of sleeping with different men every night.

Ellen had led her inside the old camper, going through her shorts before she finally handed a pair to Jaycee. Ellen smiled as she examined the younger girl.

"Keep them. They match your boots." Ellen smiled at her before moving to the bathroom. Jaycee looked to the boots and then the short, smirking at how right Ellen was. Jaycee quickly changed out of her blue Levi's and into the shorts. They fit almost perfectly, save a little loose around her thighs.

Once Ellen returned, she studied Jaycee once more, moving to mess her hair up a bit. "There ya go. Let's get you up there!"

Before Jaycee knew it, she was on the bar, shaking her ass for the men who seemed to ogle her innocent body. When the first man handed her a shot, she took it without problem but then 5 more shots followed. It wasnt long before Jaycees dancing had ceased and shed gotten off the bar, taking the money shed just earned and tucking it neatly into her back pocket.

Shed drank before but shed never been this drunk. Six shots of straight moonshine would do it to ya for sure. Jay stumbled towards the door, trying to get outside to breathe and maybe throw up. She was so close to her escape, her hand resting on the door handle.

"I dont think so." A man spoke softly, taking Jaycees thin arm into his hand. He pulled her away from the door before his hands took her shoulders and slammed her against the wall. Jaycee grunted softly, the feeling jolting her system. Her small hands placed on his chest as she began to weakly push him away.

His head ducked down, pessing rough kisses to her neck and collarbone. "You know you want this, you dirty slut." His voice rasped on passion. Jaycee couldnt even make out this man's face but she could feel facial hair. The girl began to struggle in his grasp, whining and whimpering for her freedom.

"Get off. I dont...get off!" She tried pushing again. This time, his hands grabbed her wrists and slammed them above her head. Jayce cried out in pain but nobody could hear her over the music and talking.

"Fighting only makes it worse." He growled, biting down on her shoulder. Jaycee cried out as the familiar feeling of her skin breaking and spilling blood caused pain. She thrashed again, begging him with her soft voice.

"I havent seen your face. Just let me go. I swear I wont tell a soul." Her voice trembled. Jaycees hazel eyes stayed closed, not even wanting to see the man if he gave her the opportunity. All her begging did was earn his body getting pressed tighter to hers. She could feel his hard length pressing into her lower abdomen.

He secured her wrists in one of his before his hand slid into her pants, exploring the innocence of the girl. Jaycee let out a soft sob, her eyes closed tighter. "Please stop. Stop it." Her words were slurred.

Suddenly the man was off of her and familiar arms wrapped around the crossfaded teenager. She sobbed out, clutching to the man's shirt.

"I've got you, I've got you." Raylans voice rang out. His arms kept tight around her as he led her outside. The moment the cool air touched her, it seemed her knees gave way, her whole body becoming limp. Raylan caught her with ease, picking her up like he had done the night shed been in his hotel room. Jaycee shuddered into his chest, knowing that she was safe now.

"Tim. Call 911. Need paramedics and officers." He spoke as he laid Jaycee in the backseat of the car. Blood stained the girls right shoulder and had begun to seep through the fabric of her shirt.  Footfalls faded out and new ones came closer to her. All she could do was wince and hope it was over.

A/N -
WOW THAT WAS A CHAPTER HUH?! I'm starting the next one right now! Thanks for being patient!

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