Twenty- Two

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Jaycees head was hung low. She was trying so hard to keep herself awake, keep herself from falling asleep. She knew her concussion was pretty bad. The man, Jeremiah, had to take off her gag a few hours ago. Not because she wanted to talk, but because shed started throwing up. Hes been kind enough to bring a bucket and some water to her. She had been out of it enough that he unbound her hands so she could hold the bucket. 

It wasnt like Jaycee had the balance or the energy to attack him. All he had to do was sit there with a gun pointed at her. She didnt know how long shed been there but the sun had already went down and come back up. Jaycee was starting to slip into the darkness when the front door opened and they shoved Ava inside the cabin. Ava saw her daughter and quickly rushed to her side. 

"Jaycee?" Avas voice was soft, her hands placing on her daughters face. Jaycee had bruises on the side of her face from where theyd hit her. "Your Daddy is on his way, baby girl. Everything is gonna be alright." She whispered to her, pushing her hair back so she could see the extent of the bruises. Ava wasnt even that bad off. She was used to the Crowder men putting hands on her. Jaycee rested her head down on her mothers shoulder, groaning in response. All Ava could do for her now was try to keep her relaxed. 

It was a helpless feeling, knowing shed gotten her daughter into this position by shooting Boman all those months ago. It was the worst thing a mother could feel. Her daughter needed medical attention immediately but there wasnt any hope of that until Raylan got there. 


Bo had gone outside when Raylan had gotten there, Jeremiah heading outside after them to help secure Raylan. Ava had listened enough to know that someone in Miami wanted Raylans head on a stick for his shooting in Flordia, the smae shooting that had gotten him transferred to Lexington. Jaycee and Ava were just collateral damage now. Ava knew the likelihood of them getting out of this alive.  It wasnt looking too great for Jaycee. 

The girl was just starting to drift off to sleep when the first shot rang out. Jaycee jerked awake, her eyes looking to the door as shouting began. She counted the voices. Raylan, Bo, and Boyd. Suddenly there were more shots and the door opened, Boyd and Raylan running into the house. Avan quickly ducked down over Jaycees head, trying to keep her guarded. 

Raylan moved over to the two girls, kneeling in front of them. Ava allowed Raylan to get a good look at his daughter, quickly handing Ava his phone. "Call 911." He said quickly as more shots fired out. He leaned down, pressing a kiss to Jaycees head. "We're gonna get you out of here, Jay." He told her. "Just a little bit longer. Can you do that?" He asked her. 

Jaycee just nodded in response. Raylan placed a gun in Avas hand, looking her in the eyes for a few moments before he moved to the window, keeping low as he counted the men outside. "Ava, when I tell you, fire two shots out that window above your head." He said softly, watching the man outside. He waited for him to be in position before he nodded. "Now." He stated. Ava stuck her hand out of the window, firing two shots. Raylan quickly shot the man when he poked his head out to fire at the window.

 Jaycee whined, quickly grabbing the bucket to throw up in. All the noise was hurting her head worse than it had before. Boyd moved to her, holding back her hair.He had suffered a gunshot to his left shoulder but he would make it out just fine. "Raylan, is my daddy movin'?" 

Raylan looked to the senior Crowder man, shaking his head. "No." Raylan adjusted his position, laying in the floor under the window as another man crept up to see if he could get their numbers. The second the window cracked, Raylan fired two shots, killing the man instantly. Boys and Ava had moved Jaycee to the smallest room in the cabin, trying to keep her away from the gunfire. 

"I got your two men outback!" Raylan shouted. 

"All we want is Raylan Givens!" A female yelled. 

"Im Raylan Givens!" 

"No, Im Raylan Givens!" Boyd yelled. 

Raylan shot a glare at Boyd, shaking his head a little. "You tryna be funny?"

"A little." Boyd chuckled, flinching at the movement. "Ava, hand me that rag, would you?" 

Ava reached the rag, managing well with her daughters head in her lap. The moment that Boyd pressed the rag to his wound, a hail of bullets began to rip through the walls. Ava and Raylan both scrambled to lay partially on top of Jaycee while Boyd tried his best to protect Avas head. After what felt like forever, the gun fire stopped. "Fucking assault rifle." Boyd grumbled. 

"Dont happen to have that bazooka on you?" Raylan asked Boyd sarcastically. 

"I didnt think the occasion called for it." Boyd joked with him. 

Raylan closed his eyes for a long moment. He knew Ava and Boyd could get out now but with Boyds injured shoulder, he couldnt carry Jaycee out and Ava wasnt strong enough to do it herself. The last think he could do was get Ava and Boyd out. Jaycee would be safe her until then. Ava began to argue but Raylan held up his hand. "I aint askin. Im tellin ya." 

Boyd sighed and looked to Ava. "Come on." He offered his hand to her. Ava pressed a kiss to Jaycees forehead, quickly taking Boyds hand. Once they were out, Raylan sighed, helping his daughter sit up. He placed a gun in her hand. "Only if you have to, Jaycee." Raylan pushed some hair from her face so she could see and then he leaned back against the wall next to her. 

"How about you come out unarmed and I come out unarmed? Let the rest of them go. They aint got nothin' to do with this." He shouted. 

"Okay." Was the only response he got. Raylan stashed his gun back in his waistband, going outside with his hands raised. He moved slowly, leaving the door open behind him. Jayce stood up, knowing her father was in danger. She used the wall and objects in the room to move closer to the door. 

"Wheres your friend?" Raylan asked. Jaycee saw the man with the gun step out from behind the car and she raised the gun, taking a few shots at the man from behind. When she saw him fall, she moved back behind the doorway, sinking down to the floor. Jaycee knew her parents were safe now, even as the last few shots fired out. 

Her eyes began to close as the silence finally took over. 

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