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Jaycee woke up only a few hours later to her father's name spamming her phone. She sighed and started t sit up but felt the arm over her midsection. Her eyes looked to Tim. He was fast asleep, the phone ringing hadnt woken him yet. Her hand fumbled for her phone, finally finding it. She clicked the answer button, pulling it to her ear. 


"Your Aunt Helen was shot last night." His voice wavered. "Im taking care of everything right now but I'd be happy if youd come to the funeral." 

"I'll be there. Just text me the details." She said softly. "Are you okay? Do you need anything?" 

"No, honey, just go back to sleep." 

"I love you, dad." She whispered. 

"I love you too." 

Raylan hung up and she put the phone down. Tim pulled her closer in his sleep, nuzzling closer to her. Jaycee took in a deep breath, slowly removing herself from Tims grasp. He groaned, gripping at her hand for a moment. "Its okay, Tim. Sleep." She whispered. He released her, his hands finding her pillow to cuddle to his chest.


A couple days later, Raylan was put on paid leave to sort Helens affairs. Jaycee and Tim had went their separate ways the afternoon after Helen died. They talked about what the night before had meant and neither of them wanted to be back with the other just yet. Though they for sure did want to revisit their relationship in the future, they were both still healing. 

Jaycee had made her way from school and straight to Harlan, pulling up to her granddaddy's house. She had black jeans and a black button down shirt with her black boots. Ava stood with Boyd, his arm draped around Avas shoulders, waiting for Jaycee. Jaycee had heard about her mothers new relationship with Boyd and she had expressed her displeasure with it but her Mother had refused to listen. 

Jaycee walked to her Mom, giving her a smile as she approached. "Hey, momma." He hugged her. Jaycee held to Ava for a long time. She missed her Mom something awful. Even though Ava had been by Jaycees apartment to help her decorate the day she'd moved in. Jaycee felt like she could breathe better in Harlan. The air here was much cleaner that it was in Richmond. At least here she could see the stars at night. 

The girls released each other, Avas hands pushing her daughters hair from her face. "Best get on and see your daddy." Ava said to her daughter. Jaycee smiled and kissed her mothers cheek before she went off to find her father. He was standing by the hole in the ground, staring off at the mountains in the distance. The hollar was honestly one of the most beautiful things Jaycee had seen. 

Jaycee took her place next to her father. He looked over to her and sighed. "Thank you being here." He said softly. Jaycee looked to her dad, taking in a deep breath. 

"I wouldnt miss it." Her voice was soft. "You doin ok?" 

Raylan took in a deep breath, his eyes looking to the hole in the ground that would soon be Helens final resting place. "Im fine." He said softly, nodding. Jaycee knew her father was hurting and knew he was trying to convince himself that he was actually fine. Jaycee placed her hand on his arm and he looked to her. 

"Im sorry." Jaycee spoke softly. 

"So am I, kiddo." He pulled Jaycee to him, hugging her. Jaycee held onto her father for a long moment before she pulled back. Winona stood on the other side of Jaycee, her hand placing on her shoulder. "Sure is a pretty view." She said. Jaycee nodded, the three of them looking over to the mountains. 

Raylan, however, was busy staring at the girls to his right. Once again, he found himself wondering if this is what his life with Winona had been like if they hadnt divorced. If theyd have a daughter by now, holding her hand as they looked over the place Raylan would eventually be buried. He gave a smile to them as the pastor and people started to gather around the casket. 

Jaycee stood with her father and Winona, Raylans arm over Jaycees shoulder as they said final goodbyes. Arlo stood to Jaycees left, his eyes were misty as he tried to understand the loss of his wife. Though the relationship was complex, the love was simple. They listened to the service, Raylan and Arlo both leaving a flower on top of the casket before they walked away from the graveside. 

People hung around the house for a while, offering condolences, food, and moonshine. Jaycee did her best to help keep up with everything, making sure Arlo wouldnt have to do much when this 'party' had died. Jaycee had snuck a thing of moonshine into her back, figuring Arlo wouldnt miss it too much. Besides, there were 3 other jugs still here. 

Jaycee, Raylan, and Winona were the last to leave. Jaycee Hugged her grandfather close. "Im so sorry, Arlo." 

Arlo smiled at her, his palm pressing to her face. "You remind me so much of Francis." 

"Thank you. It was so good to see you, Arlo." 

Jaycee turned and headed to her awaiting father. Winona said her goodbyes to Arlo, Jaycee looking to Raylan. "I should head back to Richmond. I have school in the morning and then work immediately after." She said. 

Raylan smiled at his daughter and hugged her close. "Go home and get some sleep, sweetheart." He kissed the top of her head. "I love you." 

"I love you, too." Jaycee said softly, heading to her car. Once she was back on the road, she rolled her windows down, letting the fresh mountain air invade her lungs. You could take the girl out of Harlan, but there was no way in hell you could take the Harlan out of Jaycee. Or the love of Harlan air. 

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