The Grand Tour

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It's finally here bitches, this is kind of a Jemaine heavy chapter but I've been on a legion binge & I love him w all my mf heart so, anyways I thought I'd split my idea into two parts so I could get something out asap, anyways thanks for reading and enjoy ;))

Taika's car pulled into the driveway and you saw Jemaine standing in front of the house smoking, you looked at him through the windshield and he instantly threw his cigarette to the ground and stepped it out as he waved at you enthusiastically. He'd always seen you as a little kid and you honestly don't blame him, you and Jemaine were even closer than you and Taika were, he used to be at your flat when you came home from school, he'd instantly end whatever conversation he was having with your dad and come give you a massive hug, Jemaine was like your uncle and you'd always had a special bond with each other, one year you both decided to learn Klingon as an experiment and neither of you ever forgot it, whenever you saw Jemaine it reminded you of home and happiness, which explained the giant smile you broke out in as soon as you saw him. You waved back and got out of the car as soon as it was parked, not giving Taika a second thought

You ran and flung yourself into Jemaine's arms and he lifted you into the air wrapped tightly in a hug, "Hey! How have you been??" He asked as you plopped back onto your feet, Jemaine had always been sarcastic and sort of rude when talking with other people but that always faded when he talked to you, "I'm great man I'm excited to see the house" "Me too" he stretched his hand out to give Taika a high five, causing you to remember that Taika was here and a familiar nervousness washed over you again. Taika and Jemaine talked about all the real estate specifics for a little while before Taika clapped his hands together snapping you out of your spaced out state, "alright you ready to look at the house guys!" You and Jemaine both replied with an enthusiastic yeah before you all walked inside.

You were greeted by Rhys standing in front of the door looking at his watch while Jonny talked one the phone very loudly behind him "Well took you long enough" Rhys was clearly only pretending to be annoyed. "Sorry bro Kora was too busy getting pranked" Taika looked dead at you after he made the joke to make sure that you'd be ok with it, you coughed out a laugh before Jonny interrupted you guys "'Kay I'm off the phone let's take the grand tour eh Taik?" "Sure let's go!"

Housemates: a Taika Waititi fanfic Where stories live. Discover now