Final Preparations

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Once you'd finished getting dressed you and returned to the kitchen to find everyone standing in relative silence, save for the sound of Rhys and Jonny doing the dishes. "Here I wrote up a list of stuff" Jemaine said with a final stroke of his pen, "pretty much just alcohol and snacks" "alright let's get going" you responded as you took your car keys out of your pocket. After shouting a final goodbye into the house, you and Jemaine were off to the store.

As you got into your car your mind began racing at the thought of finally speaking to David. You drove off and almost instantly blanked out into a daydream of you and David chatting up a storm (possibly the worlds lamest daydream). You were snapped out of your daze by Jemaine's voice, "I bet you're happy Davids coming" Jemaine said knowingly. "And what exactly is that supposed to mean?" You said, your voice a mixture of shocked and offended. "Kora you cannot be serious it's so obvious," Jemaine said, patronizingly. "Ok first of all I have no idea what your talking about, second of all I'm not sure I appreciate your tone right now" you replied as you pulled into the grocery store parking lot.

As you perused the aisles, Jemaine refused to let you talk down your admiration for David. "I just think he's talented, Jemaine" you defended yourself, grabbing a bottle of vodka off the shelf. "Kora I don't believe that even slightly, last time you were around him you talked about whether or not you said 'hi' in a weird way for like 20 minutes." "Ok but that doesn't mean I'm like in love with him maybe I'm just self critical smh" you responded. "Ok well I don't know what s-m-h means but if you're not gonna admit you've got some weird crush on him that's fine." Jemaine said, sassily.

You walked to the cashier, finished paying and got back to the car. "Ok hypothetically if I did think he was like super cool how would I talk to him without looking like a total clown," you asked Jemaine as you pulled out of the New World car park. "Well hypothetically you could just say 'Hi' and move from there, you know, like a normal conversation." "Ok I don't need sass from you clement." "Alright alright I'm just messing with you, you should just talk to him though I don't know why you're overthinking it so much." Jemaine said, taking a swig of a can of Red Bull. "Hey those are for the party you dickhead!" You laughed "Whoops"

You returned home with the drinks/snacks and Rhys helped you put them into the pantry. "Well it only took you guys 27 years," Taika said as he walked out of his room with an empty cereal bowl. "There was a large selection of crisps and I'm famously indecisive so don't be rude Taiks" you replied, clutching your chest in mock offense. Taika laughed at you as he began helping to put the liquor into the pantry. "Oh that goes in the fridge," you said, referencing the champagne. "No it doesn't it goes in the pantry" Taika responded, putting the dark green bottle into the cupboard. "Who puts champagne in the pantry?" Rhys questioned. "Exactly who wants to drink lukewarm champagne" you agreed. "I'm feeling kind of attacked right now but that's ok I guess," you laughed harder than you expected yourself to as you put the champagne bottle into the fridge, causing Taika to smile brightly at you.

Rhys looked at the two of you knowingly, and as Taika took notice he ceased his smile and ran his fingers through his hair before shouting into the house. "Everyone get ready and stuff! Party starts soon." And turned to walk towards his room, "You better step to it Kor, you take like 20 years to get ready" he looked back at you with a smile one final time before walking into his room and closing the door behind him. "Well he's not wrong" Rhys said to you, causing you to throw a tea towel at him. He wasn't.
Sorry for the wait but here you go! Not the best chapter but I'm very sick so this is what y'all get lmfao- enjoy!

Housemates: a Taika Waititi fanfic Where stories live. Discover now