First "Date"

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Thanks to rd2ttw for helping me with ideas for the next couple chapters :) enjoy!
"You ready for our date then bro?" Taika asked with a wink as you got into his car. You chuckled nervously and fidgeted your hands, this was going to be the longest day of your life. Just as you were getting ready to stare out the window and say fuck all the entire ride Taika ruffled his hair and turned to you-

"So, what're we thinking food-wise?" You were obviously nervous but you figured that your best option would be to shake off your nervousness and just act natural, so you swallowed the lump in your throat and decided to just act natural-
"we can just get whatever I don't mind either way,"  Taika rolled his eyes-

"Alright Indian it is then" He sighed as he started the car, you cheered a silent cheer because secretly you really wanted Indian food.

"Let's maybe grab something for Jemaine too," you added, assuming that he probably hadn't eaten all day, which wasn't uncommon for Jemaine. As you said that, you looked to Taika and noticed that he rolled his eyes, "Yeah we'll get something for him too don't worry. He's probably starving." With that, he began pulling out of the driveway.

The beginning of the ride was fairly silent until you decided to turn the radio on, not before asking Taika's permission though. "Sure but can I pick the channel!?" It was a rhetorical question being that it was his car and you couldn't really object even though you would've liked to, you and Taika had pretty different music tastes. He surprised you by turning on the pop punk station which reminded you of your emo phase as a teenager, which was truly a dark time. Taika looked over and caught on to your embarrassment as well as he choked back a laugh once he saw you put your head in your hands. "What is it?" He asked, "I used to be super emo when I was a kid and I loved this station," you half-groaned as Taika increased the volume.

"You're actually the worst" you muttered through your hands, slightly amused. Just as you finished that sentence you heard the song change and after listening for half a second it clicked in your mind. It was Shake It by Metro Station.

No level of fear or embarrassment could stop you from losing your shit to this song, and despite your fear of Taika thinking you looked like a dumbass you sang your heart out without skipping a word causing Taika to laugh his ass off. By the time the song was over you were both cackling, forcing Taika to pull the car over so you both could keep laughing without crashing into a ditch. After a solid two minutes you both took a deep breath and finished laughing. "That was amazing-" taika said, cutting off the sentence with another burst of laughter. "Bops are bops mate" you responded, wiping away the tears that had built up in the minutes prior. "Ok let's get going then," Taika put the car back into drive and pulled onto the road, all the uncomfortableness in the air had wavered and for the rest of the car ride you conversed about any and everything and 10 minutes later you parked on a street adjacent to a rather small place called "Curry Heaven."

You sat down at a table by the window, the place was relatively empty save for 2 people who were shamelessly making out at a table near a wall, you were looking at them inquisitively until Taika cleared his throat, looking up from his phone he spoke "It's rude to stare you know" he mentioned in a hushed voice as if worried they would hear him. "Whoops" you added with a slight chuckle. "You don't have to whisper by the way I don't think they can hear you over the sound of them eating each other's faces" you replied, earning a hearty chuckle from Taika. There was a comfortable silence between you Taika scrolled through his Instagram and you gazed out the window. Seeing as it was getting dark there weren't many people out on the street, and the yellow paint and florescent yet slightly yellowed lights of the restaurant clashed with the blackened sky and yellow-green horizon. "Excuse me" Taika politely gestured for a server to come to our table. "Hi we'd like to order please," he said as though he was asking a question. "Sure what can I do for you?" The waitress was an older woman with hair that she'd dyed a dark auburn color, she didn't wear any kind of uniform but had on a hot pink polo shirt which she'd tucked into black jeans that flared slightly at the bottom. She reminded you of someone but you couldn't quite remember who. Deep in your train of thought you'd just noticed that Taika had finished speaking and was staring at you, "oh sorry!" You apologized, quickly opening the menu, you stammered for a minute, unable to make a decision in that moment, "here can I recommend something" the familiar waitress chuckled, she pointed at the open menu and said "the mango chicken is great you should try it," she said with a smile, you nodded and thanked her "no need to thank me, I'll have that out for you in just a moment, love" hearing her say that, love, clicked something together in your head. She reminded you of your mother, you felt an all too familiar strain in the back of your eyes and tears welled up soon after. You were in a dead state at your lap when you felt Taikas hand touch your forearm "Kora what's wrong are you alright?" He seemed terrified so you took it upon yourself to reassure him. "No no I'm fine! Don't worry I'm just thinking about how Aragorn sacrificed himself so Eldarion could rule." You knew that saying the matter was something Taika didn't care about would dissipate his worries and Taika, unlike you, wasn't very fond of lord of the rings. You were sure he'd say "oh ok" and move on from the matter all together but weirdly enough that didn't happen. "Kora I may act like it, but I'm not stupid. What's wrong?," you sighed and looked back down at the table, "I'm just thinking about my mum" you said softly. After a moment Taikas hand moved further up your arm causing you to look up at him, he looked you deeply in the eyes and said "I know, it'll be ok" he reassured you. You smiled and wiped your eyes, "thank you Taika" "don't worry about it Kor that's what I'm here for, I'm gonna go get our food to go and get something for Rhys, Jonny and the other one" He winked, standing up from the table and walking to the counter. You chuckled to yourself, that interaction would've made you melt into the floor a couple months ago, but you were happy to be past that stage. A couple minutes later Taika returned carrying a bag with to-go boxes in it and grabbed his phone and keys off the table "Let's get outta here bro" he said. You stood up from the table and headed for the door, you left the restaurant, but not before turning around and waving to a certain waitress who was standing behind the bar wiping it. She smiled and waved back, almost knowingly, and with that you left, got into Taikas car and began driving into the night, with a smile on your face.

Heyyyy sorry for taking 27 years to update but I hope this long ass chapter makes up for it. This chapter kinda sucks but looking back on the first chapters I think this fic has gotten WAY better. Thanks to everyone for reading and I'll make sure to update sooner y'all. Love you guys xoxo
P.S if you're reading this follow me smh

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