Grand Tour II

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New chapter already y'all WHOOP WHOOP! Anyways thanks so much for reading as always even though this chapter is probably trASH LMAOO, and be sure to tell me what you think! Love you guyssss sm!
Taika walked to the front of your small group and cleared his throat. "Well everyone allow me to show you around!" He said in his poshest voice, you and Jemaine rolled your eyes, "so damn extra" you muttered under your breath, earning a chuckle from Jemaine. "I heard that you tosser" Taika glared.
You moved through the house/set and Taika showed everyone their rooms, Rhy's character- sad, lonely, man who worked a shitty office job- had a room with basic grey paint and a futon, his name was Oswald but you and Jemaine's characters called him Ozzy. He had a surprising amount of posters on his walls which were supposed to symbolize something you weren't paying too close of attention to because you were too distracted by Taika in all his glory, he recently got his hair cut you'd noticed (not that you were staring like a creep or anything) leaving it long on top and shorter on the sides. He looked so good you had to suppress a smile thinking about how cute he was.
Next was Jonny's room, Jon played the mysterious character called Henry that nobody really truly knew anything about. He carried himself in a 'strange manner' according to Taika's very lengthy email describing the characters. His room had strange floral wallpaper and he slept with the dim yellow light from a single lamp as the only way to illuminate the small space.
Once your little group got to Jemaine's room was when you started sort of paying attention. Jemaine's character is "goofy yet severely depressed" according, once again, to Taika's email. He pays rent by working at a dvd store and his only family is his father who, according to Taika, is a "total dickhead." His room has dark green walls and multicolored Christmas lights up all year round apparently. The only people he ever talks to are you and Rhy's characters for a reason that wasn't explained in the email surprisingly.

Finally your group got to your room, you'd thoroughly read over your character description partially because you wanted to familiarize yourself with your character and partially because you wanted Taika to think you were cool and good at acting. Your character was called Clara and she worked at the same CD store as Jemaine's character called Andrew (you think). She had a tough life but all your characters found a sense of comfort in each other in a way, it was strikingly similar to the small, strange group of people that were in the house at that moment. You looked around once you entered your room and it was everything you hoped it would be. It had red paint and looked like the kind of room a teenage boy in the 80s would've had, classic Taika. A ghostbusters poster and a photo of a man who was supposed to be your character's father you assumed (it was picture of Taika from 2007) hung above a desk with a corkboard above it plastered with various other notes. 'Wow Taika takes set building very seriously' you thought. The desk and corkboard sat to the left of a twin sized bed with bed posts that went all the way to not quite the ceiling and created a rectangle at the top. From which the same kind of colored Christmas lights from Jemaine's room hung, another metaphor you assumed.

When looking at Jon, Rhys, and Jemaine's rooms Taika seemed to be in a rush to move on, but surprisingly he just stood in the room watching as you looked around in awe. Once you were done looking around your room in childish excitement you looked to Taika. Who was staring at you with his usual kiddish grin that came about whenever he was really excited. He had a hopeful and expectant look in his eyes as if he was waiting for you to say something.

"Taika it's amazing! I love it so much you're a genius!" You said, seeing a sense of relief wash over him. It looked as though he realized how childishly excited he looked because he quickly cleared his throat and stood up straighter.
"I mean of course it is I made it after all" he said, pretending to dust off his shoulder.
"Yeah whatever you say mate," Jemaine added with an intense eye roll. "So what's the schedule after today?" Jon asked, jumping in.
"Well," Taika started, "tomorrow we should start moving in your clothes and whatnot, and then 2 weeks from then we start shooting!"
"Ok cool, can we look around the rest of the house too?" Rhys jumped in
"Alright then, I was gonna go get some food if anyone wanted to come?" Taika asked. Jonny, Jemaine, and Rhys all said they'd rather stay and get familiarized with the house. Taika looked slightly disappointed for just a moment and then perked up again,
"Welp guess it's just me and Kora then eh?" He turned to you "If that's ok with you, of course." He added with a look in his eye that after all your years of knowing Taika, you'd never seen.
"Yeah n-no that's fine." You stammered out, totally in shock.
"Alright then, let's go Kor." Taika announced, grabbing the hoodie you'd hung up on chair as you entered the house and pulling you by your arm towards the door.

"Try not to take too long in your date by the way because it's almost dark and I don't feel like getting a taxi home!" Jemaine called at you as you were exiting. You felt your cheeks flush and with that, you and Taika were out the door.

Housemates: a Taika Waititi fanfic Where stories live. Discover now