New Cast Member

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You got back to the house after a comfortably silent car ride and surprisingly walked in on a completely quiet house. You and Taika shot each other a confused look before walking into the living room to find Jonny asleep on one of the couches and Jemaine and Rhys asleep on the other, Rhys' head on Jemaine's chest as he clung to a pillow. Taika snapped a picture with his phone before shaking them awake while you threw a pillow at Jonny to wake him. "Rise and shine losers we got you food," Taika said, startlingly loud. Rhys muttered a groggy, thank you before sitting up and taking the to-go box you were handing him. Jemaine stretched and yawned loudly before doing the same. Jonny, who'd fallen back asleep began to snore loudly once again causing Taika to go over and gently blow in his ear, scaring him awake and leading him to fall off the couch, Taika looked at you as you laughed and stumbled back onto the couch behind you, nearly crushing Jemaine, "oh me, Jemaine and Jonny had an idea" Rhys muffled through a full mouth, before swallowing thickly,

"We were thinking we would have like a slumber party instead of having to drive home in the dark" Jemaine nodded before shoving another spoonful of curry into his mouth and Jonny gave a thumbs up from the floor, "sure sounds good!" You responded, looking to Taika, "if Kora's cool with it so am I" he smiled at you. "Ok so it's settled, who's gonna be on snack duty because this food ain't gonna cut it" "don't look at me man I'm not getting back into that car" Taika yawned "alright I'll go" Rhys offered "but Jemaine has to come with me" "I'll go too" Jonny added.

"See you guys in a bit!" Rhys called, and with that, they were out the door. You and tails both say scrolling through your phones for 10 or so minutes before he bursted out in laughter, scaring the shit out of you. "Jesus taiks are you trying to give me a fucking heart attack" you said exhaling "sorry but this is the funniest thing I've ever seen" he said between cackles, he unplugged his headphones and came to sit on the same couch as you, he showed you his phone and you watched probably the least funny vine you'd ever seen but Taika's reaction made you laugh anyways. After it finished playing Taika started laughing again and unconsciously placed his hand on your upper thigh as breathless laughs continued to come from him. You weren't quite sure where your sudden brush of comfortability came from but when you noticed the placement of his hand, you didn't mind at all. I mean if we're being honest any advances from Taika were welcome advances but nevertheless, you carried on half-laughing along with Taika for the next few moments until, unbeknownst to you, the door clicked open and in walked Jonny, Rhys, and Jemaine. Jemaine was the first to take notice of not only Taika's hand but how close you were sitting to each other- "Sorry to interrupt you guys but could you help me carry these," Jemaine said, struggling with grocery bags. You chuckled nonchalantly and turned to Taika, being greeted by your disheveled and red faced friend. "Yeah sorry." Taika quickly responded, darting up from his seat and leaving a cold spot on your leg. You chuckled to yourself and walked to the kitchen to help the others.

"Oh ok since we're all here I wanted to talk about the film a little," Taika began, "it's not really anything big I just had some exciting news for everyone, I finally found someone who'd work out for the landlord character, Craig-" "This soon before shooting?" Jemaine piped up, reasonably confused. "Don't worry mate he's already learned all his lines I sent him the script after it was completed so he could tell me his thoughts and I think he'll be pretty well prepar-" "just tell us who it is already for the love of fuck" Jonny remarked, already tucking into the rather large packet of crisps he'd bought. "Jesus what is with you all and interrupting me!" Taika yelled over-dramatically. "If it's that urgent for you to know then fine, it's Bret." You and Jemaine and Rhys shot each other an excited look, "Wait really!?" Rhys said excitedly, "yep" Taika responded smugly. Jemaine, and Rhys high fived each other giddily while Taika and Jonny rolled their eyes in their direction. If people thought you and Jemaine were unbearably annoying together, Rhys, Jemaine, and Bret would probably kill them.
"The whole bands back together!" Rhys exclaimed. You chuckled to yourself before taking some of Jonny's crisps.

Ok sorry this chapter is really short I just wanted an excuse to put Bret into the fic LMAO
(Bret McKenzie for those who're confused) thanks for reading and I'll try to update sooner! Love you guys
P.S I just realized I spoiled who the new cast member was with the header photo lmao I'm an idiot.

Housemates: a Taika Waititi fanfic Where stories live. Discover now