Party Planning

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It was only 24 hours before filming started and you all met back the house. You'd all been living there for the past however many days and when shooting rolled around Taika decided to throw a party for the whole cast. You were all sat at the kitchen counter having breakfast when taika proposed the idea. "Cool so we're gonna throw a house party the day before shooting, what could go wrong eh?" Jonny mumbled, biting into one of the pancakes Rhys had made. "It's a get together not a house party, Jonathan" Taika replied, earning an eye roll from Jonny. "Well I think it's a great idea" Jemaine added as he reentered the room with his toothbrush in his mouth, he grabbed a glass before retreating back towards the restroom. "Of course you do you just want an excuse to get drunk" you said, prompting him to give you the finger before closing the washroom door. "Who's gonna be going to this 'get together' exactly?" Jonny questioned. "I mean our cinematography director, Bret obviously, pretty much all of the crew, Kor's dad, and thats about it."

"Waitwaitwaitwait" you said, quickly swallowing the forkful of pancake in your mouth, "Why is my dad coming?!" "You don't want your dad at the cast party for your acting debut? Knowing how phenomenal and legendary my films are this may well be your big break" Taika responded, finishing his sentence with a flip of his long, flowing, imaginary hair. "Hell no I don't want my dad there,  you can't just invite my dad to the parties I'm gonna go to it's lame"

"ok ok fine Kor he's off the list" Taika responded, with a roll of his eyes. "Ok now that's like what, 25 people? Pretty lame house party if you ask me taik." "Agreed I thought this was gonna be a rager," Jemaine added, reentering the kitchen.

"I could call Bret and ask him to invite some of his friends since he's all Hollywood now," you chuckled, pulling your phone out. "Alright sweet, any other suggestions" "ooh I've got an idea" Taika announced before pulling out his phone to make a call and walking onto the porch.

"Wonder who he's phoning?" You all watched quietly as he paced back and forth outside talking on the phone with whoever this mysterious individual was, a few minutes later he turned back towards the front door and you all started pretending you were preoccupied with something else. "Alright guys my good pal David Farrier will be joining us at our 'get together' and he said he'd bring some of his mates"

"oh cool," Jemaine remarked casually, Rhys and Jonny doing the same. Meanwhile your mind was spinning with excitement. You were a huge fan of David and had only seen him a few times in person, too paralyzed with fear to do or say anything more than giving him a polite smile. You'd read all his articles and seen every episode of the Dark Tourist and Short Poppies (thanks for that one Rhys). You made a mental challenge with yourself to have at least one conversation with him over the course of the party.

"Awfully quiet over there Kor," Taika's words snapped you out of your daze, "Sorry, spaced out for a second there, uh yeah it's super cool that David's coming" you said, suspiciously quickly. Jemaine shot you a knowing glance and continued eating his food. Taika's face was overtaken by an expression that can be best described as watered down anger. An awkward silence had begun to creep in, so Bret had texted you back at the perfect time. "Bret said he can bring like 3 people" you said, thankful David was no longer the topic of conversation. "Alright sounds like we've got a good party here" said Rhys, gleefully.

"Ok well if we're gonna have a party we need food and alcohol so me and Kora are gonna go do some shopping." Jemaine said as he put his plate into the sink. You were confused by Jemaine signing you up for this without asking but you didn't see it as that big of a deal. "Uhh alright, I'll go get changed I guess" you said with reasonable confusion and walked off to your room.

What's good y'all!
So I know I haven't updated in forever (genuinely sorry about that) but I just never really got around to it so I'll try and update more- love y'all!

P.S David Farrier has a documentary out called Tickled and if you haven't seen it please watch it it's wildddd.

Housemates: a Taika Waititi fanfic Where stories live. Discover now