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Lena made it a priority to get a cure ready for Kara before her baby was born. And learning that Daxam and Krypton were neighboring planets made sense to her why Mon-el fought next to Supergirl's side. She guessed Kara must have thought the planet's heritages have intertwined somehow if she thought both Daxamite and Kryptonian DNA would be necessary for this cure.

"Running errands for Supergirl, are we Lena?" Lena tried not to scream.

"What are you doing here mother?"

"Can't a mother visit her own daughter at work?"

"Not when that mother had to break out of her prison cell to do it. Now what do you want so I can get back to work?"

"Just wanted to warn you that Kara Danvers isn't everything she seems."

"Just because she's pregnant with an alien baby doesn't mean you have to accuse her of being one herself."

"Have you ever seen Supergirl and Kara in the same room?"

"I have actually." She didn't know one of them was J'onn J'ones pretending to be Supergirl, or was that Kara?

"Don't make this cure."

"And let Kara's daughter die? I don't think so."

"Fine then." Lillian said, "Let's lace it with Kryptonite."

"For all I know the Daxamite's could be killed with Kryptonite just like a Kryptonian. I won't put Kara or her daughter in that kind of danger."

"But if Supergirl had asked you for the same favor?"

"She described it as her skin burning by just being near it. Why would she ask me when she knows I used it before? We don't see eye to eye."

"Which is why she has a secret identity."

"I don't care mother. Don't make me call the police."

"Do you have Kara Danvers DNA on file?"

"Of course. I have all my employees DNA and fingerprints on file for safety reasons." Lena didn't mention that it was to make sure no one with strings to Lillian entered her workspace, but Lillian could take the hint.

"Compare her to Supergirl, if only just to humor me."

"Fine. But after I prove she isn't an alien you're going straight back to--" Lena gasped at the match she saw on her screen, her brain trying to think of any possible explanation for this. Could her mother had changed it? No she wasn't there long enough to decode her double encrypted passwords. Kara's DNA might have warped while she was pregnant. It was plausible. Which meant she had all the powers of Supergirl. Could she even know? She was having a very serious looking conversation with James. But why not tell her about this? Maybe so she wouldn't freak out like now. Lena refused to accept the idea that her mother was right. There was only one thing to do. Ask Kara and James directly. Or more specifically, Guardian and Supergirl. James had given her a silent alarm watch for emergencies just like this. She hit the button, and tried to keep her mother occupied.

"So how is prison, anyway, mother?"

"It isn't Cadmus, but it is quite eye opening, if I'm being honest. Speaking of prison you said that you would visit me this time."

"And you said if you stick around. Did you know Jeremiah Danvers is going to have two granddaughters."

"No, but I did hear his biological daughter was getting married. And his adopted daughter must be the pregnant one."

"The wedding was called off. You can tell Jeremiah that Alex is adopting a little girl, though."

"Why can't she have her own the old fashioned way?" Lena struggled to suppress a sigh at her mother's ignorance.

"She's a lesbian mother." Suddenly there was a loud crash through the window. They both looked at the balcony. There stood Guardian and Supergirl.

"What's your mother doing here?" James asked as he shot a net at Lillian.

"Claiming Kara is Supergirl. With Mon-el's baby I guess it's possible for her to have Superpowers but I don't know if she knows it at the moment."

"Go ahead Olsen." Lillian shouted. "Tell her who Supergirl is when she isn't wearing that S."

"It's not an S." Supergirl yelled. "It's a code of arms for the house of El."

"Since you and Lena are close friends, you can tell her when your playing mommy. Now tell her or Jeremiah Danvers won't live through the night."

Only one thought flashed through Kara's mind, "Alex."

"Fine, Lillian. You win." She put her glasses on. "I'm sorry Lena. I didn't want to keep this secret from you, but I knew if you knew I was Supergirl, everything would be different, and if there's one thing I hate it's change. I still eat at my first job in National City."

"Your first job was Noonan's?"

"Yeah. That's why I love there sticky buns so much. I used to eat them during my breaks." To Lillian's surprise, Lena laughed.

"But why were you so... not Kara when I tried to save Sam."

"I jumped to the conclusion that Lex was building a bomb to kill my cousin. I was sent to earth to protect him when Krypton died, but something happened to my pod, and you can blame me for every alien Lillian, but Kryptonians aren't the first and we won't be the last to make Earth our home. But I will defend it, and my friends, and I'm sorry for lying about this part of my life Lena. And in the end you did have a fail safe like before, and that would have worked if there was no other way to stop Reign."

"So you got fussy because you were afraid for your family. That does sound a bit like you. Ok, apology accepted. And now I can get a cure ready for your... sorry, what do you call a Kryptonion Daxamite mixed child?"

"Mon-el and I are going with Daxtonion."

"That child should be destroyed now." Lillian muttered, getting glares from both Lena and Kara.

"James, get my mother out of here. Please?"

"Of course Lena."

"So we're alright?" Kara asked.

"Your my best friend Kara. Honestly though, I like Kara Danvers better then Supergirl."

"How about in the future, I keep an open mind to Kryptonion defense systems?"

"And I'll try not to build anything harmful that could affect you or Juliet. And speaking of Juliet, I better finish this cure."

"That looks extremely complicated."

"Once you understand Genetics it's actually a piece of cake. See, when you mentioned Krypton, I figured we might have been thinking the same thing, that Daxamites might have Kryptonion roots. But now I understand why you mentioned it. So I'm making the lead cure a Kryptonite cure as well. I don't know for sure if this cure will stop one hundred percent of the pain you described, but it should stop any death from high exposure to Kryptonite. I'll make one for Juliet, one for you, and one for Superman." There was a look in Kara's eyes. It took Lena a minute to realize she was stuck on one word, and not a word she didn't know. "You're thinking about cake now, aren't you?"

"Yeah, pregnancy brain. Which reminds me, here's your invitation to my baby shower." They laughed and after Kara changed, went out to grab a slice of cake.

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