Juliet Danvers

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Alex immediately had J'onn take them to the DEO. There was a small argument about taking everyone with them, but after pointing out that everyone had been there before, J'onn allowed it.

After hours of waiting, Alex came out with a happy smile. "I'm happy to say Juliet is a healthy baby. She shows no signs of a lead allergy and looks to be a normal Daxtonion." She got some looks, and realized Sam and Ruby didn't know Kara was Supergirl. "What? It's just a classification. They can see you now, if you want. They're waiting upstairs." Destiny raced ahead, screaming "AUNTIE KARA!" As she ran.

"Are you sure you didn't clone her?" James asked Alex in a teasing voice.

"Ninety percent sure."

"Ninety?" Alex bursted out laughing at James' shock.

"Don't worry, James. Not a clone, no powers, just a really hyper little girl. Now I'm going to go spend time with my sister, niece, and daughter. Coming?"

"Yeah. I'll be right there." He stayed back a minute to talk to Lena. "You going to join the party?"

"Am I welcomed to the party?"

"Of course you are. If it wasn't for you, we might not even be celebrating Juliet at all."

"If it wasn't for me, Juliet never would've been in danger in the first place. How do I know Kara won't hate me for that?"

"Because if she was going to hate you for anything, it would be when she sent Mon-el away and didn't think she would ever see him again. Come on Lena. Kara's above that. Let's go see who Juliet looks more like." The two walked up to the med bay, where they could hear Destiny asking to hold the baby.

"No Dez," came Alex's voice. "Aunt Kara gets to hold her first."

"You can lay next to me while I hold her Destiny. That way you can see her." They got there in time to see Destiny curl up next to her Aunt as Alex put a crying Juliet in Kara's arm. Kara herself had tears. "Mon-el should be here to see her." She managed to say.

"He'll be back eventually." Alex said with a small smile. "It won't be forever."

"Why doesn't she have hair?" Destiny asked as she looked at her cousin curiously.

"It'll grow." Alex assured her. Eliza came over and picked up Destiny.

"J'onn said we should get the sun lamps in here. Oh, and Kara, someone sent you this ring." She held out a Legion ring and Kara smiled.

"Mon-el really is looking out for you, little one." Kara said to Juliet as they brought in the sun lamps. She knew in a few moments, her newborn daughter would have unknown powers they weren't even prepared for yet. "Alex, do we really need to do this right now?"

"Do what?"

"The sun lamps. Juliet will get her powers once she's exposed to them, and I don't know if she's ready for them."

"We can't keep her away from the sun forever, Kara."

"Just a little longer?" Kara scrunched up her face and looked like she was about to cry.

"Fine. You know, I hate when you do that." Suddenly, to everyone's surprise, Juliet laughed and her eyes opened up. They weren't grey like Mon-El's or even blue like Kara's. Instead they looked like two bright pieces of caramel.

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