Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Harry looked up from his position on the floor and gasped when he saw, standing before him, Tom Riddle. Except, this was not the Tom Riddle that Harry knew from his foray into the diary last year, no, this was a younger Riddle, a Riddle who was looking at Harry with eyes full of concern. Harry just stared up at him for awhile and then, finding that he could no longer hold onto consciousness, slipped into the comforting blackness that surrounded him.


Tom Riddle was astonished to see a young boy hunched over crying when he turned the corner to go to the Slytherin dorms. He was even more surprised when he ventured closer to the boy to ascertain if he was ok only to have the young boy faint upon seeing him. He looked over the boy, and could see that he needed the hospital wing due to the blood seeping through some of his clothes. He also wondered about the curiousness of those clothes. They were muggle, and much too large for such a small child.

Tom quickly reached down to pick up the boy. When his skin brushed the boy's hand, however, Tom was shocked at the feeling coursing through him. It just felt...different...good different...but still quite odd. He picked up the boy and could feel the sensation sweep over him again. At first it was calming but then it was if he had a connection with the boy and could feel how much pain he was in. He hurried to the hospital wing.


Poppy Pomfrey may be new to her position as Hogwarts school nurse but she certainly knew what she was doing. When Tom rushed in with a young boy unconscious in his harms, she quickly led him to a bed where Tom could put him down. As she settled the boy and started running diagnostics she asked Tom what happened.

"I don't know. I found him in the hallway near the Slytherin dorms. He was crying at first. I walked up to him to ask if he was ok. He looked up at me, panicked and then fainted. I brought him straight here." Tom was quick to reply, wanting to give the nurse as much information as possible.

"Hmm...I don't recognize him and he is not in school uniform. Could you go get the headmaster for me Tom? I think he needs to know about this strange new addition to our school." Poppy said. She hoped giving Tom something to do would calm him down some; he seemed quite upset by the state the boy was in, which was surprising in itself. Tom never showed emotions so openly.

"Will he be ok Madame Pomfrey?" Tom practically begged.

"I believe he will, though I still need to run several more tests. The headmaster please Tom" Poppy said gently, not wanting to cause the boy more worry

"Oh, of course, I will be right back" And with that Tom hurried off to get Headmaster Dippet.

Poppy continued with her diagnostic spells. Her frown increasing as the results came back. She gently removed the three shirts the child was wearing and gasped, what has happened to this child? As she went along she healed the obvious cuts, leaving faint scars only where the deepest had been. She gently turned the boy over so that she could have access to his back, there were several more wounds here, many of which were deep.

Once the blood was cleared she noticed the bruising along the boys ribs. She checked to see if anything was broken and was relieved to find they were only bruised. She healed them as much as she could, they would still be sore for a day or two. Then she turned the boy over again. She was aware that the boy had been raped, could tell by her diagnostic spells, and the small amount of blood that had seeped through the boys pants. She made sure that the child was still deeply unconscious; not wanting to scare him, then she slowly began to remove the child's pants. She healed the wounds on his thighs and then carefully removed the child's bloodstained boxers. She had him laying face down again, and gently healed the wounds to the best of her ability. The internal injuries would take a few days to fully mend. She stopped the rest of the bleeding and cleaned the boy. She then dressed him in a hospital gown so he would not wake feeling exposed. She spelled a blood replenishing and a pain relieving potion into his system. She did a few more diagnostic spells only to find that the boy was severely malnourished. She spelled a nutrient potion into him as well.

By the time she was done, Tom had returned with the headmaster. Tom had calmed somewhat but was still showing his concern more openly than normal. "Is he alright Madame Pomfrey?"

"He will be alright Tom; I am only worried about the emotional trauma he will face upon waking up." Poppy replied calmly.

"Do you have any idea who the boy is?" Headmaster Dippet asked. Poppy just shook her head. "Well I guess we will just have to wait until the boy wakes up to find out. Please inform me when that happens Poppy; I shall be in my office making inquiries as to who this young boy is."

"Of course headmaster" Poppy said. She watched the headmaster leave and then turned back to her ward, surprised to see Tom there holding his hand. He was gently rubbing his thumb over the back of the young child's hand in a show of comfort. Poppy was surprised, why did this child have such an effect on Tom? He would never allow himself to act like this if he knew his peers were watching. "Tom, perhaps you should head to bed now, it is nearing curfew."

Tom started, having been lost in thought. He looked pained for a moment, clearly not wanting to leave the young boy. "Of course Madam Pomfrey, I will leave in a minute. You are sure he will be ok? What happened to him?" He almost pleaded.

"Again Tom, physically he should be fine, it is the emotional harm that comes from these sorts of situations that I am worried about. I cannot tell you details of his injuries but I can tell you he may need a friend in the days to come." She replied, with a soft sigh at the end. Maybe Tom could finally have someone he thought of as an equal, instead of treating everyone with disdain and suspicion.

Tom got up to leave, lowering the child's hand gently. When he moved away from the bed, the young boy gave an almost silent whimper. Poppy was sure Tom heard it and saw his pained expression as he turned to leave. "You may return tomorrow Mr. Riddle, however if the boy does not wish for company then I must ask you to leave. The ward opens at 7:30." She lightly reminded him. He looked up at her gratefully and then nodded.

"Of course, Madame Pomfrey."

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