Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Halloween was approaching and Headmaster Dippet had decided to hold a dance. All of the students were excited.

Harry found himself wondering what he should go as one evening while absentmindedly staring straight at Tom.

"Harry? Did you want something?" Tom asked, slightly laughing at the shocked look on Harry's face

"N-no, um...I was wondering what you were going to go as for Halloween?" Was Harry's hasty response, he could not believe that Tom had caught him staring!

"Hmm...I don't know. I think I may just put some dress robes on and get a fancy mask."

"That sounds like a good idea. Do you think I could do the same? I mean...we wouldn't be matching or anything...and we wouldn't be going would that be ok?" Harry managed to get out.

"That would be fine." Tom said with what seemed to be a pleased smile. Harry smiled back.


The night of the Halloween dance everyone was frantically getting ready. Harry just kept smoothing his unruly hair down, trying to get it to stay in place. He knew that Tom would never be interested in him, but he still wanted to look his best. When he made it downstairs he found that people were milling around in the common room waiting for their dates to come downstairs. Harry spotted Tom near the exit and beamed. He made his way over and when Tom saw him was greeted with a smile. They left together and made their way down to the great hall.

Throughout the night, anytime Harry looked at Tom he found Tom staring right back at him with a small smile gracing his lips. Harry tried not to think too much about those lips and what they would feel like.

The two of them were laughing when Tom went to go get some drinks. While he was gone Harry just thought how happy he was, all he needed was Tom's friendship, nothing more. He was still lost in these thoughts when someone grabbed him from behind and dragged him into the corridor outside. The other person, a guy from what Harry could tell was pressed up against Harry. Harry could feel the arousal in the others pants rubbing against Harry's thigh. Harry tried not to panic and tried to force the other boy off of him. The other boy was much larger than Harry and from what Harry could tell was very drunk, given the smell coming off of him. Panic rose as the other boy forced his tongue into Harry's mouth and seemed to be trying to pull Harry's clothes off of him.

Harry kept struggling, not wanting to give into the boys obvious wishes. All of a sudden he found the boy pulled off of him. Harry sank to the floor, shaking slightly. He looked up and found himself staring at Tom punching the other boy in the face and then kicking him in the groin before immobilizing him and turning towards Harry. The rage that had been in his eyes a moment before had turned to worry as he slowly approached Harry. Harry was having none of that; he launched himself into Tom's arms as soon as the older boy was close enough.

"Please take me away, please, I need to leave." Harry pleaded against Tom's chest.

Tom lifted the boy up, cradled in his arms. Harry was still so small even though he was now in his 5th year. He made his way to the second floor girls bathroom and down into the Chamber. He knew that this would be a source of comfort for Harry, knowing that only Tom and he could get in. Tom made his way to the master suite and sat down on the sofa there, near enough to the fire that a comforting warmth reached them.

Harry seemed to be calming down, as he always did when Tom held him. He rested his head against Tom's shoulder with his arms wrapped around Tom's neck and his legs wrapped around Tom's waist. Tom just sat there for awhile, rubbing Harry's back in a comforting manner.

Harry broke the silence with a small whisper of "I didn't want him to do that."

"I know Harry. I promise no one will ever touch you without your permission again, as long as I have anything to say about." With that Harry just clung to Tom harder.

"What happens when you leave me Tom?"

"I will never leave you Harry. I love you too much to leave you." Tom replied without realizing what he said. Harry stiffened slightly in Tom's arms.

"You love me?" He asked in awe, no one that Harry could remember had ever said they loved him before

Tom hesitated for a second, not sure if he wanted to make this confession quite yet but one look at Harry made up his mind. "Of course I love you. How could I not love you? You are the most perfect person I have ever met Harry. When I am with you I feel complete. Tonight when you disappeared I panicked. Then somehow I could feel your fear, just like I could when those bastard Gryffindors had you and I followed it out into the hall to find that monster trying to force you into doing something you didn't want to do. I feel as if we are connected somehow Harry, with you by my side I feel as if I could do anything. The only reason I have not told you of my love before was because I did not want to scare you. I could not bear to lose our friendship."

Harry just stared up at him for a minute then said confidently "I love you too Tom." Then he did something Tom never expected Harry to do, only in his dreams had he even considered it, Harry reached up, looked Tom in the eyes, he seemed to be devouring him, and then he gently pressed his lips to Toms. It took a second for Tom to realize what was happening but he then quickly returned the pressure, carefully, gently so as not to scare Harry. After a few minutes of this Harry pulled back and lay his head on Tom's shoulder. He sighed in content once and then Tom found himself with an armful of sleeping Harry.

He gently lifted Harry up, trying not to wake him up and moved to put him on the giant bed behind them. They had never spent the night in the Chamber, worried that their dorm mates might notice their absence, and never having a true reason to make use of the bed. Tom pulled back the covers and lay Harry down, he went to move away but found himself grabbed by one of Harry's hand and with a small "Stay" from Harry's lips that was all it took. Tom transfigured both of their robes into more comfortable sleepwear and climbed into bed. He kissed Harry's forehead gently and then curled around the smaller boy, promising himself that he would never let anyone harm Harry again. Harry moved into Tom's embrace and nuzzled into his chest as they both fell into a peaceful sleep.

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