Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

"Um, I think he went up to the dorms would you like me to get him for Tom...sir?" A small second year asked. She was clearly more frightened of the 4th year Tom Riddle then the 5th year Abraxas Malfoy.

"Yes please Ms. Parkinson." Tom said smoothly. The girl gave a squeak at Tom knowing her name then ran off to get Malfoy.

When Malfoy returned it was obvious he had not been told why he was being summoned. Tom had to hand it to the 2nd year that she could convince the boy to go somewhere without telling him why. When Abraxas saw Tom his face paled. He made to head back upstairs but was quickly stopped by a flick of Tom's wand. Tom levitated the boy to the middle of the common room. All eyes were on them.

"Mr. Malfoy, do you know why you are being held here?" Tom asked

"" Malfoy tried

Tom quickly flipped him upside down and asked again.

"I..umm...whatever Potter said it was a lie!" He finally got out.

The students surrounding the pair just stared open mouthed at the Malfoy boy hanging upside down. He had done something to Harry? And Harry had been carried in unconscious! It could not be too bad or he would be in the hospital wing, but still! Also, how could one be so stupid as to harm Harry in any way when you knew he was Tom's friend and that Tom would do anything for the small 3rd year?

"I do not believe it was a lie Mr. Malfoy. I believe that you insulted him in a way that you had no idea would affect him in such a manner. I believe you were jealous and lashing out. I believe, Mr. Malfoy that you proved yourself to be far more immature than any 1st year in you handling of this matter. And if I hear that you ever insult Harry again, your punishment will not be so lenient."

The common room was deadly quiet. They knew the threat was not just for Malfoy, but for all of them. That was why Tom had done this in the middle of the common room.

Malfoy looked quite odd. He was pale yet there was blood rushing to his face, giving him a mottled purple sort of look. Tom flipped him back over and then flicked his wand again and Malfoy was lying in a heap on the floor, his cheeks burning with embarrassment. Except, maybe that wasn't embarrassment, they seemed an almost unnatural red. "Your face will go back to normal in a week's time Malfoy, I assume you will have learned your lesson by then." And with that Tom swept out of the room and back upstairs.

Later that night the charms around Harry's bed went off. Tom quickly went down to see that Harry was tossing and turning in his sleep. As soon as Tom touched his forehead, Harry calmed down. Tom closed the curtains around Harry and put up a security and silencing charm. He then lay down and held Harry in his arms for the rest of the night.

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