Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Over the course of the next month, Harry settled nicely into the Slytherin house. He was quite shy so the only true friend he had was Tom, but the others in his dorm were nice enough. However, when some of them learned he had been raised by muggles, they were not quite as nice as they had been before. Harry didn't mind though. He was happy. There was no burden on his shoulders to deal with Lord Voldemort, as Tom had not become him yet. Harry sometimes worried about what would happen later on, but convinced himself that it wouldn't matter, and sometimes he secretly hoped that due to his friendship with Tom, Lord Voldemort may never exist. He was finally able to just focus on his class work for once. No crazy monsters lurking around killing people in the corridors and no lunatics with dark lords on the back of their heads trying to get past three-headed dogs. Life was pretty good.

It was obvious to everyone that Tom had taken particular interest in Harry. He made sure to save Harry a seat at every meal, fussed at him when Harry did not eat enough, he helped Harry with his homework whenever he could and they both spent all of their free time together. Their friendship just kept growing and to those who had known Tom before, they were not sure how to act around this new, almost nice Tom.

One day in early November Harry was walking back from potions. He had been held up because Professor Slughorn had wanted to talk to him about joining something called the Slug Club. Harry had tried to refuse at first but when Slughorn mentioned that Tom would be there as well, Harry agreed to come. Because he was held back he ended up walking through the corridors by himself. It was quite cold in the dungeons as winter approached and Harry was looking forward to getting something warm to eat at dinner and then heading to sleep early. He was not paying attention to his surroundings and all of a sudden he found himself running into someone.

"Oh, sorry Abraxas, should have been looking where I was going. Have you seen Tom? I am just heading to dinner and was wondering if he was already there." Harry rambled off quickly. Abraxas Malfoy had always given Harry an odd feeling. He looked a lot like Draco, had the same sneer and everything. Abraxas had been one of the ones who believed themselves to be Tom's friends if Harry had guessed right.

"Potter" Abraxas spat out as if addressing an insect. "Watch where you're going, you little freak." He gave Harry a shove with the last word and Harry found himself hitting his head against the stone wall. Slightly dazed he just stared back at Abraxas confused. "You think you're so special, being friends with Tom don't you? Well let me tell you something, the only thing Tom could want out of you is for you to be his little whore. You would make a great one, so young, I bet your tight at well. Is that what you and Tom do when no one is watching? Do you two go off to some abandoned classroom and shag like rabbits? I bet you just love feeling wanted. Your mouth looks like it would feel amazing around my cock, shall we try it?"

Harry had come to his senses at that point in time. He was in a full blown panic attack. Of course Tom had never wanted him as friend. He should not have been so stupid! Tom obviously only wanted him as his whore, why would he be friends with Harry when he could be friends with normal people like Abraxas Malfoy? Harry was hyperventilating and barely noticed when he crumpled to the floor, holding his knees to his chest with his head bowed over them. He was sobbing.

Abraxas looked slightly taken aback by what had happened. He had expected the Potter boy to deny it. He had wanted a duel. He knew the boy was very good at defense. He had only wanted to let off some steam and his anger towards Tom had led him to Harry.

Suddenly Abraxas heard footsteps coming down the hall. He quickly retreated not wanting to be found next to the sobbing boy.


Tom had been worried when Harry did not show up for dinner. Sure, Harry was late sometimes, but not this late. Tom refused to eat anything until Harry came. After about half an hour he took it upon himself to find the missing snake. He quickly asked the other Slytherin 3rd years when they had seen Harry last. They all said that Harry had stayed behind in potions. Looking up at the staff table Tom saw that Slughorn was sitting there stuffing his face and gulping down wine, he was now truly worried about Harry.

He left the Slytherin table and made his way down to the dungeons, making his way along the path that Harry would have walked coming from Potions. Suddenly he heard sobbing, he broke out into a run and turned the corner to see Harry sitting there with his head on his knees and his arms curled around him crying his eyes out.

Tom moved to sit next to Harry and noticed when Harry flinched. He laid a comforting hand on Harry's arm and could feel the sadness coming off of Harry in waves. "What happened Harry? Who did this to you? Please let me help you." Tom pleaded with the crying boy.

Harry's tears slowed down after he recognized the presence as Tom and even though he knew that Tom only wanted him for his body he threw himself into the older boys arms and clung to Tom's chest. Tom gently lifted Harry into his lap and began rocking him back and forth. Harry slowly calmed and began to breathe properly again. "Please Harry, tell me what happened." Tom asked again. This time Harry slowly took a deep breath, trying to decide what to tell Tom. He wanted to know if what Malfoy had said was true, but was afraid to ask only to have it confirmed. He decided to start off simple. "I accidently ran into Abraxas on my way to dinner" Harry almost whispered into Tom's shoulder.

Tom let out a low growl. "And what did Abraxas say to you?"

"H-he told me I w-was a f-freak. But I a-already knew that. My a-aunt and u-uncle always told me I was. I just th-thought, that being here, meant th-that I wasn't a f-freak anymore." Harry breathed.

"Harry, you are not a freak!" Tom declared "No listen," when he heard Harry trying to interrupt him, "you are not a freak. I don't care what anyone says. Doing magic is not freakish and being you is not freakish. Believe me, I know and if you think that you are a freak you also must think I am a freak. Do you think that I am a freak Harry?"

"N-no, but you're different, you are amazing. You could never be a freak"

"Well I think that you are pretty amazing Harry and I do not want to hear that word come from your mouth again, ok? You are not a freak!"

"Ok Tom", Harry just leaned into Tom's arms again, taking pleasure in the comfort given and secretly relishing the fact that Tom did not think he was a freak.

"Is that all Abraxas said Harry? Did he do anything else to you?" Tom asked quietly, slightly dreading the answer.

"He pushed me into the wall; I hit my head and was kinda dazed while he called me your whore." Harry whispered sleepily against Tom's neck, not quite realizing what he had just admitted. His head did still feel kind of woozy.

Tom stiffened against Harry but when he felt Harry's soft whimpers he gently rocked him back and forth some more. He ran his finger along the back of Harry's skull to try to determine if he was severely injured. He felt a small bump, but no blood. He would still have to take him to Madame Pomfrey. He gently stood up and as they were walking he gently whispered to Harry "You are not a whore. You are not my whore. You are my best friend. The reason I hang out with you is because I want to. I find you interesting and I find myself drawn to you. You are just so real Harry, everyone else is so fake. They only wanted to befriend me for my power. You were just so innocent. Never let anyone say you are a whore. If anyone ever does so again, please tell me and I will set them straight. I promise you Harry, I do not view you as my whore. I care about you and want to protect you."

"Thank you Tom" Harry whispered and then swiftly fell asleep in Toms arms. Tom carried him the rest of the way to the hospital wing and then back to the dorms when Madame Pomfrey had assured Tom that Harry would be ok.

Once Tom had put Harry to bed and set protective charms around him to let Tom know if Harry needed him in the night, he went back to Slytherin common room. Everyone had stared when he walked in carrying an unconscious Harry. Now they all looked at him and quickly averted their eyes, seeing the wrath in his.

"Where is Abraxas Malfoy?" Tom asked steadily

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